1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... not only remember the feeling of his magic (which was quickly becoming almost a reflex to him) but also focus on the object and picture what the object was originally like in his mind. After getting the hang of his two new spells, Harry decided to take a risk. Every instinct that he had was telling him not to do it. If the Dursleys found out, he'd be in his cupboard for weeks. Not that anything that simple would stop him anymore, but it was better to keep his new skills a secret for as long as possible. No, this was worth it. Harry was about to combine two things the Dursleys liked to pretend didn't exist: Magic and books. He was going to go to the library. Although he got his new spells working easily, he knew that he didn't want to spend the rest of his life cleaning the house and fixing broken, unappreciated toys. Although, if he were paid well, and if it was a different family...no, he was going to find out what sorcerers (as he decided to call himself, which he thought sounded much more realistic than magician) were supposed to be able to do, and he would learn how to do that. And he would stop playing dumb in school, no matter what was done to him. Harry Potter was going to have a life and a future if he died trying. Little did he know, that thought was one of the most important decisions he ever made, and it would be truer than he ever imagined. x x x "Can I help you, young man?" "Y—Yes, sir. I'd like to get a library card." Even though he knew they would die before ...
    ... setting foot in the place, Harry expected the Dursleys to pop out from a corner of the library and ask what sort of freaky thing he was up to. "Of course, my boy. Just fill in this form and it will only take a few minutes after that." Harry took the form the man at the desk gave him, and looked it over. "It says I need my parents' permission..." Harry looked at the man uncertainly. "Well, yes. Until you are of age, you need your parents' permission for most things like this," the man said. "Are they here now?" "Well, no sir, they're dead." Harry did not have much experience with people in the non-Dursley world, but he knew that playing the poor orphan card worked wonders. "Oh. Well. I'm sorry to hear that," the librarian said as he took in Harry's six-sizes-too-large clothes and his ripped up shoes and decided that he would Do Something Nice For A Poor Orphan. "Well, you don't look like the type to return your books too late, am I right?" Harry nodded. "Well that's good. You go on and fill that form out. Leave the parent signature blank and I'll sign it for you. Make sure you return your books on time, okay?" "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Harry filled out the form and gave it to the librarian. "I'll be back in a few minutes with your card." He smiled at Harry as he walked away. x x x Half an hour later, Harry left the library with a small stack of books. He went around the corner where nobody would see him and made an attempt to shrink the books so they could fit into his pocket. ...