1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... magic, Minerva! Without a wand!" Dumbledore stopped his jig and turned to face his guest, his expression calm but his eyes twinkling even harder than before. "I was half afraid he would have an almost... allergic reaction to magic, but this...this is beyond everything I expected at this point. If I had any doubt before, it is gone now. He is without a doubt the one to end this war." "Or start the next one. You remember the last...person... to have this much control over his magic at such an age..." She trailed off, not wanting to remind her mentor of the mistakes of the past. "Yes, well..." Dumbledore's smile and twinkle faded into an expression of sadness and regret. "Harry Potter has been performing what seems to be a modified levitation charm and something that seems to be of his own creation, but is certainly a light spell. Nothing harmful. He is simply finding his gift." "And when he starts to find his 'gift' for starting fires and killing animals?" "It won't happen, Minerva. I am paying close attention to the monitors." "Paying close attention? Have you not noticed that incessant screeching? Or were you too busy dancing on your desk to notice?" "Yes, isn't it wonderful?" He smiled as the whine grew even more persistent. "Ooh, he did something new!" McGonagall sighed and stood up to leave. "Perhaps you should check in on him, Albus." With that she left. "I'm sure he's fine," he said to the now-empty office. x x x "And what are you so happy about, boy?" Vernon asked, ...
    ... before shoving a forkful of food into his mouth. More than a forkful should be, really. "I... I had a good dream." Harry replied simply. He watched the gears in Vernon's head turn as he tried to find something that could put Harry at fault through that statement. "Well, I suppose it can't be helped. Now wipe that freaky smile off your face." Years of practice meant that Harry could put on a serious expression at will, and that is exactly what he did. It was no good getting in trouble on the weekend, when he could practice his magic if he was ignored. Better to just go along like he usually did. After clearing the plates and doing his chores, Harry decided that he was going to try to make spells that would help him do his chores faster. A cleaning spell for the dishes would certainly be easy, and he might be able to fix Dudley's broken things faster using magic. Quickly but thoroughly, he went through his chores and set out for the park, a few of the broken toy soldiers he salvaged from Dudley years ago in his pocket. x x x "Okay, so I need all of the parts to fix something. That means fixing things like glass will be hard, or at least make the glass weaker than it was before. Better than completely useless though, I guess." Harry took almost no time at all to figure out how to clean things. Really, it was just a matter of levitating everything but the object being cleaned and throwing it to the side. Repairing things, on the other hand, gave him a bit of a challenge. He had to ...