1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... branch to climb up on. Unfortunately, being a massive tree, there were no holds until about ten feet up. "Hmm... Okay. I did it on the roof yesterday; I can do it today too." Harry looked up, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and concentrated on the feeling that he was beginning to associate with magic. "Take me up to the tree, take me up to the tree..." he chanted to himself, and felt a weird feeling, like being in two places at once. He opened his eyes, and he was standing thirty feet up, on a web of branches that looked almost like a chair. He sat down and smiled. Living with the Dursleys gave him no place to call his own except the tiny cupboard that he didn't really want to be his own. This tree felt like a place that only he could get to, unless somebody brought a ladder. That wasn't very likely, as there were no power lines nearby that the tree might get tangled with. People would leave this tree alone, as they probably had for decades. Little did he know, almost ten years earlier, the very spot he sat in at that moment was used by another green-eyed, muggle-raised magician that wanted to get away from someone named Petunia. "Okay, now that I'm all settled in, I can start doing some magic." Harry paused. "Ermm...so what exactly do you do with magic?" Living with the Dursleys and not being named Dudley, Harry had no idea what one could do with magic, just that you certainly couldn't do it at Number Four, Privet Drive. He supposed you could do things that were quite ...
    ... unDursleyish, and that gave Harry many options. "Well, if I can make myself move by magic, I wonder if I could do the same with something else..." Harry picked a leaf from the tree. "Sorry, tree." Closing his eyes and recalling the feeling of magic, he opened his hand and tried to make the leaf float. "Make the leaf float, make the leaf float..." he chanted, and opened his eyes. The leaf was not moving with the wind like it should have, but was hanging in mid-air a few inches above his hand. "Great! So I can make things float! That was much easier than making myself move. I wonder if I have a certain amount of magic that I can use up or something. I'll have to experiment with that as well." Harry spent the rest of his day seeing what was possible with his floating spell. By the time it started to get dark, he was able to control where it went very well, and he was beginning to get better control of his magic. Casting the spell with his eyes open, and without begging for the leaves to move was now second nature to him, and he was well on his way to controlling a leaf with each hand. Deciding that that was more than enough for one day, he checked to make sure that nobody was around—this late, the park was abandoned—and moved himself to the ground. "I'm getting better at that," Harry thought. x x x "Albus, really, you're making a buffoon out of yourself." A high-pitched whining filled the room, but the owner of the room was the one person that didn't seem to mind. "He's using ...