1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... laughter that he knew was not at a joke or a funny situation, but the kind that he always heard from his uncle. The kind of laugh that meant someone else was in pain. But even worse was the new addition to this dream—a horrible scream that Harry felt was someone he knew. Of course, he didn't know many people, few girls, and he hadn't heard any of them scream. Except Aunt Petunia, but she had more of a banshee's shriek. Harry was very familiar with that scream. "Boy, get out of bed and make breakfast! You've slept in long enough today, thank you very much!" "Speak of the devil..." Harry thought. He sighed and crawled out of his cupboard and prepared to make enough food for six people. Not that he would get a reasonable amount for one person, of course. Harry thought about that. "I wonder what kinds of things I could do...maybe I could make food out of thin air. That would be nice. As soon as I'm done with my chores today I'll go find a place away from here to see what I can do. The park past Magnolia Road, maybe. Yes, that sounds good." Harry knew that once he had finished his chores for the day, he could pretty much do anything as long as it wasn't happening in Four Privet Drive and the Dursleys didn't know that it was causing him fun. In fact, the farther away from the house, the better. Perhaps the Dursleys hoped that he would be kidnapped and never seen again. After he washed the dishes, mowed the lawn, put two coats of paint on the rear shed, and fixed the toys that ...
    ... Dudley had broke that day, he waited for the Dursleys to leave the kitchen and surreptitiously snuck out the back door and made his way to the park. x x x Harry expected to be caught by Vernon on his way out. He expected to be stopped by a policeman and asked why he was alone. He expected all sorts of problems that would prevent him from getting to the park and his powers. He did not, however, expect the park to be filled with dozens of children. They were everywhere. Despite his furious attempts to find a place where he could practice his magic out of sight, he could not find one. He leaned up against a tree in thought. "Great. Everything went by my plan, and now that I'm here there's not a place in sight. Or rather, everywhere is in sight. Why does God hate me?" He sighed and laid on the ground, staring into the sky. Perhaps in order to prove that Harry was not hated by any omnipotent deities, his solution appeared right in front of him. Well, not in front, but straight up. Harry stood up and looked for the tallest tree in the park. He was not disappointed. Across the park was one of the largest trees that Harry had ever seen. How could he not have noticed this? In Harry's seven-year-old mind, this tree was the oldest, most ancient thing on the planet, capable of reaching into the heavens and rooted into the center of the Earth. He got to his feet and walked over to the tree. "If I climbed even a small way up, nobody would see me unless they knew I was there." He looked for a ...