1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... and flicked his wrist to conjure an apple. "You have control over your magic!" she said, shocked again. Albus said that Harry was figuring things out, but she thought he was just doing tricks like Lily had at Harry's age. Then, what he just did caught up with her. "You can conjure food! Did you just summon that from another room?" "No, I conjured it. That's how I can live by myself," he said, confused. Was he the only one in the world that could do that? "Mr. Potter, would you please conjure a quiche Lorraine for me?" she asked, astonished at Harry's abilities. She watched him look into Hermione's eyes for a moment, and he conjured a quiche Lorraine. "I've never had that before, so I might not have gotten the taste quite right," he defended. McGonagall took out her wand, conjured a fork, and sampled a bite. It was a bit salty, but he had just broken a fundamental law of magic and made a food that he had never eaten before look and taste almost exactly like it should. "Mr. Potter, it tastes fine. I'm just surprised because it is commonly accepted that the conjuration of food is impossible," she said. "See, Harry. I told you I was trying as hard as I could. You were making me do something impossible." She was acting like she caught him breaking her favorite toy. "Well, how am I supposed to know that?" "Just what sort of magic are you two capable of?" McGonagall asked, almost afraid of what they would show her. They looked at each other and shrugged. "Well, what do you want us ...
    ... to do?" "Can you turn this into a pin?" she asked as she conjured two matches. "Of course," they answered in unison, not even looking at the matches. McGonagall waited a few seconds before clarifying her statement. "Will you show me, then?" "Er…we already did." McGonagall looked down and saw two perfectly silver and sharp pins. They were the best she had ever seen out of any first-years. It was even better than James Potter's, and he was the best Transfiguration student she ever had. "So you did. Well, you're obviously both way above expectations. Why don't you just do what you think is most impressive?" "Well, we've always wanted to try going to the moon, but we think it might collapse the gravitational field of the solar system. We could give it a try, though," Hermione said, and began to clear some space in the room. "No!" McGonagall shouted. "I was thinking maybe something a little less…potentially destructive. Perhaps something you've tried already?" "Do you know legilimency?" Harry asked. Their ways worked against each other, but they would need a professional to truly test it out. "No, that's not something I really have a use for. Why do you ask?" "We were hoping you could test our shields. We think we've made a system that can't be broken into," Hermione said. "Oh, well. Let's go to the practice grounds and we can show you some of our more flashy spells." "Practice grounds? You haven't been using magic around muggles, have you?" she asked, hoping that an entire town ...