1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... would not need their memory erased. "No, the practice grounds are in the Himalayan mountains," Harry said casually. It was at this point that McGonagall began to think she was simply having an unusual dream. Harry walked up to the wall and drew up a portal. Everyone except McGonagall walked into the portal as if it were perfectly normal. She had never even heard of something like this before, much less being made by a ten-year-old and capable of crossing the entire globe. She followed them in a daze. "Kids, you didn't tell us about this. What exactly do you do here?" Dan asked. Hermione bit her lower lip. "Well, it's for things of a destructive nature, or if the spell would create an effect that would not fit in the house." The Grangers suddenly looked nervous. "I want you to have one of us watching when you come here if you're going to be blowing things up," he said. "Willow usually watches," Harry said. "If something went wrong, she would call you immediately." "Just let us know, okay? It would just give us some peace of mind," Emma begged. "Plus we get to see some cool stuff, right?" They smiled. "This is just our standard fireball," Hermione said, as they all turned to face a long-dead tree that looked like it had met the standard fireball many times before. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and made a motion with her hand as if she was bowling. A ball of fire shot out of her hand and hit the tree, starting it on fire. "Impressive," McGonagall said in a daze. This ...
    ... was beyond her considerable offensive magic capabilities. Harry and Hermione saw her dulled expression and thought that she was just patronizing them. "And here's something we call a delayed targeted beam," Harry said, as he proceeded to point a single finger at the tree. He held it up and put it down shortly after. They watched as he stared casually at the tree, expecting something. Five seconds after he pointed at the tree, the light around it bent as an unnatural silence went over the mountainous landscape and a ball of light formed, crushed the tree, and shot straight up into the air, followed by an echoing gong-like sound. After a few seconds of stunned silence from the adults and proud smiles from the children, Emma said, "Yes. I definitely want you to make sure one of us is around." McGonagall fainted. x x x As she opened her eyes, McGonagall looked into the blurry face of Albus Dumbledore. His face cleared as he gave her her glasses. "Are you okay, Minerva?" he asked. "Yes, Albus." She sat up and blinked. She was in the hospital wing at Hogwarts. "Oh, I had the strangest dream about Harry Potter. What happened?" "Well, after he showed you his impressive and, I admit, unnecessarily destructive magic, your mind refused to believe what it was seeing. So, naturally, it created an environment where you felt safe. Although I am surprised that your subconscious chose the Hogwarts hospital wing. Especially since the only time you were in here was after Gladys Burton attacked ...