1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... that there is a lot of prejudice against magicians that do not come from a long line of magicians…what else…" "We know that Voldemort is still alive and he will want revenge against me," Harry interjected. McGonagall flinched at his name and noted the casual way Harry spoke about him. "We know that eventually someone, I guess that's you, will come to take us to a magical shopping district and tell us about school." McGonagall was surprised that they knew these things, but she was certainly not prepared for what they said next. "We know that the future generations of magicians will be talentless and leech off of their parents, who leeched off of theirs, and so on, prohibiting lack of progress of magical society. We think that magicians use wands to perform magic, but traditionally used staves long ago, and before that they had no magical focus. Some people can use snakes as their foci and bind them to their will, forcing them into slavery. I don't like to do that, though." "That's true. We use wands for almost all magic. There are some types of magic that don't require wands due to their nature. The staff was the focus of choice many hundreds of years ago. I don't know about not using any focus, and where gave you that idea about snakes?" "A snake told me," Harry said. "He usually doesn't lie about things like that." "A snake told you?" McGonagall asked, shocked. Harry had no relation to the Slytherin line as far as she knew. Maybe distantly through Lily? "What else, ...
    ... Hermione?" he asked, out of ideas. "Well, it's very difficult to conjure food. I haven't been able to do it yet. Also, dryads don't like to wear clothes." "Oh, and most things don't think too highly of our intelligence," Harry added. McGonagall was in shock. "Anything else?" "Well, I don't know if this counts, but girls think weird. They say they don't care about how they look, but every third thought is about how they look, and if their hair is out of place." "Hey!" Hermione took offense at Harry's comment. "At least I don't go around thinking about what I want to eat all day long! Honestly!" The Grangers laughed. They knew that sometimes the two would read each others' minds, but they did not know the circumstances of how that came to be. "Just wait 'till you're both older. Then you really won't want to be in each other's minds all the time," Emma said, frowning. McGonagall had no idea what to say, so she acted like she was answering a question in a class. "Conjuring food is impossible; it goes against Gamp's law of elemental transfiguration. I've never met a dryad; not many people have. Very little is known about them. You seem like you're both smart, so I don't know why people would say that. And how would you know about what girls think, Mr. Potter? You shouldn't be reading other people's diaries. And Ms. Potter, of course he thinks about food all the time. He's a ten-year-old boy, and they always go through a growth spurt around that age." "But I can conjure food," Harry said, ...