1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... got it," Harry said bitterly. "What do you mean?" McGonagall asked. Harry stopped talking, and Hermione started. "Those horrible Dursleys tried to stamp the magic out of him. They told him his parents died in a car crash!" "So he was with them after all. Something's wrong here," she thought, before realizing what Hermione had just said. "A car crash! Well!" she said. "And how did you find out the truth?" "My Mum told me," Harry replied. "Your Mum, Mr. Potter? You do realize she's…well…gone, don't you?" McGonagall had not thought about the Potters for years. They were some of her favorite students, even if James and his friends gave her many gray hairs. "Of course," Harry said. "But I spent a day with her on Halloween of 1987." "It's true, ma'am," Hermione said. "I was there." "So you spoke to her through a medium?" When she saw their blank stares she clarified. "A seer or a device such as a Ouija board?" "No, she was just there when I went home that day." "You mean she just…popped into existence? And Lily's sister allowed that to happen in her house?" McGonagall only met Petunia Evans once, when she was on a visit similar to this one, to introduce Lily to the world of magic. Also like that one, she found herself lost as Lily already knew about magic. "No, I haven't lived with them for years," Harry responded. "And you live here now?" she asked. "No, I live on my own," he said, and instantly regretted it. "On your own! Are you saying that you have no guardian? Where do you ...
    ... live?" Harry was actually somewhat fortunate to see McGonagall's wrath before he started school. He would never take her lightly. "Er…I live in a tree in the park," Harry said timidly. "A tree. And why, pray tell, do you live in a tree instead of a house?" she asked sternly. "Because it's better there," he said, looking at the ground. "Better than a house?" she asked skeptically. McGonagall truly hoped she would not get the answer she expected; the one she had warned Dumbledore about from the beginning. "Better than the Dursleys'." McGonagall sighed. It was as she feared. "So you ran away to live in a tree?" "Well, it's not just any old tree. It's my tree." Harry was obviously quite proud of his tree. "Well, I would like to take a look at this tree myself. If I think it is an acceptable home for a child, then I will leave it. If not, do you promise you will allow me to set up proper arrangements?" she asked, knowing that no tree would live up to her standards. "As long as I don't have to go back with the Dursleys," he stipulated. "Agreed. I was against your placement there from the beginning. They are truly awful people, no offense meant." "I take offense to them as a compliment to the person who said it, professor." "Right. In the meantime, I should explain why I am here. How much do you know?" she asked to everyone in the room. Hermione spoke for the group. "We know about magic, we know about Voldemort, we know that there is a school for magic, which must be Hogwarts. We know ...