1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Emma said. "Good morning. Are you Hermione's mother?" she asked. "Yes, that's me." "Then might I come in to talk to you and your daughter?" she asked. "It is a matter of great import." "Yes, come in." She led the woman into her living room. "Dan, could you go upstairs and get Hermione?" After they were told about magic, Hermione made a closet that contained nothing but a portal to Harry's tree so that her parents could find her if they needed. "Do you mind if I ask what this is about?" Emma asked. "It concerns your daughter's future education. It will be easier if I explain to your entire family," she said as Dan and Hermione came down the stairs. As soon as Hermione saw her, she felt that she was a witch. She knocked on Harry's mental door. "Harry! There's a witch at my house," she said, and felt Harry come through the portal. "Hello. You must be Hermione," the witch said. "Yes, that's me." "Well, Hermione," she began, "have you ever noticed that you sometimes do things that seem…odd?" The woman was confused as the entire family laughed. "Yes, every day," Hermione said. "But do you mean magic specifically?" "You know about magic?" she asked, shocked. "Yes, of course. Ah, here's Harry." "Harry—not Harry Potter?" The woman suddenly felt as if the tables had turned and she was the one that would see things she would not believe. "Yes," Hermione confirmed as he walked into the room. "How did you know it was him?" Harry was the spitting image of his father, right down to the ...
    ... smile. His eyes were the same green that his mother had, but otherwise they were identical. McGonagall always thought that Harry lived with Lily's muggle relatives so that he would not know about his fame. She was even there when Dumbledore dropped him off. Perhaps that was just another of the headmaster's deceptions so that only he would know where Harry was. "Harry Potter!" she exclaimed. "I had no idea you were here! And I was under the impression that you had no living relatives on the Potter side." "I don't. How do you know me?" Harry asked. She pulled out a sheet of parchment. "But it says right here, Hermione Potter, age eleven." "Hermione?" Emma sighed. "What did you do now?" The two children looked at each other for a while and nodded. "I think I may have accidentally adopted Hermione," Harry said slowly. Emma put her face in her hands. It was always something with these two. "We'll talk about this later." Realizing they were off the hook, they looked back at the witch. "I usually go by Hermione Granger," she said as she shook the witch's hand. "And I am Minerva McGonagall, deputy headmistress and professor of transfiguration at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am here to invite Miss P—er… Miss Granger to attend, should she desire. Might I inquire as to how you found out about magic?" "Harry taught me," she said simply. "I see. And how did you find out?" she asked Harry. "The headmaster wished for you to grow up in a non-magical environment." "Well, he sure ...