1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... made them a portal to their living room, and the Grangers were surprised when they saw that it did not lead to the park like they expected. They walked through, and Hermione closed it behind them. "Why didn't you just do it from here?" Dan asked. "Well, we thought it would be better—y'know, if—if you saw Harry do it first," she said, and burst into tears as her father drew her into a hug, followed immediately by her mother. "We always knew you were special, Hermione, but we never thought it would be something like this," Emma said. "Did you think that we wouldn't want you or something silly like that?" She nodded miserably from her place in Dan's chest. "That would never happen, Hermione. Ever. I promise." She tightened the hug, and let Hermione have a purging cry. Chapter 8: An Unbelievable Tale The years passed, and the two mages learned many different things. Hermione went to school and learned for them both. She lent Harry her history notes, and he would have them read by the time she had to go home. For anything that could potentially be used in a magical application, Hermione would waste no time and tell Harry her idea through their bond, which they now had tight control over. They always could tell how the other was feeling, and could send thoughts to each other no matter how far apart they were. They kept their occlumency shields up and 'knocked' on the other's if they wanted to talk. Some parts of the ritual had not worked as well as they hoped, though. If they ...
    ... wanted to see, hear, or smell what the other person was, they would have to put all their concentration into maintaining the connection, making it hard to keep up for more than a few minutes and impossible to multitask with. Whenever the Grangers went on vacation, Harry was invited with. He went all across the world with them, and portaled back to his tree at night to spend time with Willow. Harry got along with her parents better than ever after the truth came out about magic. So much that when they were offered a chance for a better practice in another town, they turned it down. Sometimes they would give the two young mages ideas that had never so much as crossed their minds before. One of the ones that Harry thanked them constantly for was the idea of flying on a broom. Hermione was only interested from an academic standpoint, but Harry loved to fly. His broom was painful and awkward to sit on for long times, and if he went too fast (which he usually did), it would begin to tremble and smoke until Harry stopped flying. After he went through several brooms that could not handle him, he decided that he would stop flying until he could design a broom that would be able to keep up with him. He never thought about slowing down or making his turns smoother. On September 22, 1990, the Saturday after Hermione's eleventh birthday, both their worlds were once again changed with a knock on the Grangers' door. Emma answered it to find an older woman with her hair in a tight bun. "Hello," ...