1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... have a whole new value." Everyone smiled as they sat down. "What does everyone want to eat?" Harry asked. "Well, what do you have?" Dan asked. "Anything that you can imagine. At least, anything I have had before. I've never had duck before, for example. You wouldn't want your duck tasting like carrots or something, would you?" Harry asked rhetorically. "And you can have any kind of food, and it will have a perfect nutritional value. No fat or bad things in it at all." "Lasagna!" Emma screamed, and blushed when everyone looked at her. "What? I like it, but it's so fattening." Harry conjured a large plate of lasagna for her. "Well, that's the point, isn't it? What does everyone else want?" After Harry conjured food for everyone except Willow, they began to eat. Emma noticed Willow sitting there and asked her about it. "Aren't you going to have anything, Willow?" "I'm a dryad. As long as my tree is healthy, I am too." Emma blushed. "That's right; we were just talking when I got distracted." "Nothing to worry about; it's a lot to take in. To make a long story short, Harry sat in my tree when he was teaching himself to use magic. He recognized that trees are sentient beings and formed a connection, a sort of friendship with me. By pure coincidence, Harry's mother did the same thing when she was seventeen. Because of that, I was able to use the magic that Harry was almost constantly giving off to come into existence with his mum's image. I also control the growth of all the ...
    ... furniture in here, and the basic structure of the place." Emma was confused. "So why Willow? I thought this was an oak." Willow, Hermione, and it seemed a few animals that Emma just noticed were lurking near the table rolled their eyes and looked at Harry. "Harry thinks Oak is an old grumpy man name. Willow is much better for a girl, he says." Hermione obviously was used to Harry's habit of naming things…stupidly. "But trees are androgynous," Emma argued. "Yes, but Harry has absolutely no consideration for other people," Willow joked. "And I guess the name has grown on me." "Was that supposed to be a pun?" Harry asked. "And you guys think I'm bad." Emma took a while to get it. "That reminds me, don't dryads traditionally wear clothes made of leaves or something? You dress very…Hermione-like." "Well, she thought it might be easier on you if I wore these choking hazards. Which will never happen again, do you understand?" she said to Hermione, who rolled her eyes. They talked about magic and gave the Grangers a basic idea of what was going on. They were glad to hear that Harry got to spend a day with his mother. They may have been very suspicious and apprehensive about that night, but they really liked Harry. "Well, I think it's just about time for us to get going," Emma said. "Thanks, Harry, for teaching Hermione about magic, and just for being her friend. It means a lot to all of us." "Of course. Hermione can make you a portal to your house," Harry said as he waved goodbye. Hermione ...