1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... know whether or not I was a sorcerer," Dan answered. "Well, that's because I am," she said. "Well, I'm obviously not a sorcerer, I'm a witch." Harry snickered. "Well, this idiot sat next to me in class and recognized that I had magic, and he said that he would train me in how to use it." The Grangers were speechless. After a while of being stared at, Harry decided to keep going. "So, I tried to teach her everything I knew. She's much smarter than me, so she caught up pretty fast, and now we're sort of learning off each other." "And when did you find out about…about magic?" Emma finally was able to ask. "I found out that whenever I was angry or scared, I would do unusual things. I finally realized that I was doing magic, and after thinking some things through, I noticed that the Dursleys didn't like the mention of anything unusual or that could be considered magical. They also didn't like me or my parents. So I figured that they knew I was a sorcerer, and my parents were too" "And what sort of things can you do?" Dan asked. "Ask Hermione to do anything and she can usually do it," Harry said. He decided that they wouldn't freak out if they saw Hermione do anything. "Can you fix that broken vase, Hermione?" Emma had dropped her favorite vase and it broke into too many pieces to fix. Hermione wore a confused expression. "I thought I did. I put it right back where it was, and there wasn't so much as a scratch." "Hermione I dropped it on Tuesday." Hermione blushed, realizing that ...
    ... she had in fact restored it to its exact condition, then slipped up and admitted that she broke it. "Oh. Well. I can fix it. You won't even notice it was ever broken." Emma narrowed her eyes. "Apparently not. So show us something now." Hermione considered what she should do. "Do one of the spells you came up with," Harry suggested. The Grangers were in either complete shock or acceptance of Hermione's abilities. Probably a bit of both. "Oh, I don't know. You pick something," she said to her parents. "Can you draw a hole in the wall like Harry did?" Dan asked. "Of course! That's the only way in here," she said proudly as her parents looked impressed. "Actually, you can also teleport in, but I don't think you ever learned that; you just went straight to portals," Harry said. "I haven't done that in a while, now that I think about it." "Why don't we continue this conversation over dinner?" Willow suggested. "Hermione, you can set the table." Hermione got her hint right away as they moved over to their new, longer, table. "Okay, watch this," she said to her parents as she conjured the plates and silverware. "Hermione! Is this my grandmother's china set?" Emma asked. It had gotten lost when they moved, and she was heartbroken over it. "No, but it's the same design and everything. It's impossible to tell these from the originals. You can take them home when we leave." "Wow, that's incredible," she said. "It won't have the same sentimental values as my grandmother's did, but it will ...