1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... not the park." "We need him to let us in." "That's what doorbells are for," Emma said. "He doesn't have one." Emma rolled her eyes. "So we'll knock." "I mean he doesn't have a door," she said as they approached Harry, who was sitting on a bench watching some birds. "Hi, Harry." Harry must not have heard or even felt them coming, because he jumped when Hermione put her hand on his shoulder. "Er, sorry about that, I'm a bit nervous," he said as he greeted Hermione's parents. "Harry, why are we in the park? Hermione said we were going to your house." Emma was getting very suspicious, but even more afraid of what she would find that night. Her imagination invented all kinds of horrible scenarios, but none of them were even close to the truth. "Er—right—well, come this way," he started. "Just remember, everything you will see tonight is real." He led them over to a wall at the park building and started drawing on it with a piece of chalk. Emma had had enough. "Harry, what's going on? I really hope you didn't bring us out here to watch you draw on—oh my God…" She stopped talking as Harry opened the portal. Harry walked through without hesitation and Hermione followed, pulling her parents behind her. "C'mon, it's alright," she said as they reluctantly stepped through. While the Grangers were looking around the tree in awe, Harry was busy glaring at Willow as she hurriedly got dressed. Harry motioned for her to shake hands with them when she finished, and she approached the stunned ...
    ... parents. "Hello, I'm Willow, Harry's guardian," she said as she shook each of their hands. Oddly enough, that was what knocked them back into being capable of speech. "But you can't be older than sixteen! That's no age to be having your own children, let alone adopting them!" Emma said. "I may only look like a teenager, but I'm actually eighty-six," Willow said, secretly glad that she took seventeen-year-old-Lily for even younger than she actually was. If the other trees knew she was glad to seem young, she'd never hear the end of it. "Eighty-six!" Emma asked. "That's ridiculous." "Mum, Willow is a Dryad. She's the spirit of the tree," Hermione said. Emma turned to her, remembering why they were there in the first place. "Hermione what is all this? How did Harry draw a hole on the wall that opened into a tree? And how is all of this incredible stuff possible?" She looked around. "I mean, look at that! That table is alive! You said you would explain everything. Start." Suddenly Hermione had no idea what to say. She had been preparing herself all week, and now she was standing there like an idiot, with her mouth opening and closing like a fish. She felt Harry giving her a mental knock on her occlumency shield, and she opened her mind to him. "Tell her about the first day," Harry thought to her. "Thanks Harry," she thought back. Hermione quickly composed her thoughts. "Remember after my first day of school?" she asked her parents. "Yes. That was a very weird day. You wanted to ...