1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... casing, it's a regular shirt!" Harry said, exasperated. "I did research! This is the kind of clothing my mother would have worn, and you have the same body as her." "Research, Harry?" Her son's solution to anything he didn't know about was to head to the library. At least he got magazines instead of a dictionary this time. "You checked out three magazines and looked at the models on the covers. I don't think that your mum would have been reading any of these." "Why not?" he asked. Willow held up the magazines. "Knitter's Magazine? Pregnancy & Birth? Good Housekeeping?" "What's wrong with that? Those are all things mums do," Harry defended. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Oh, you better hope Hermione didn't hear you think that." Harry winced. "Well, she did now, in any case." They were getting better control, but it had only been two days and they still let an occasional thought slip through. "You deserved it! Maybe next time you won't try to dress me." "Hermione was the one who wanted you to wear clothes, remember? I don't really care," Harry said. "In fact, she doesn't care either. It's just that there's already so many things her parents are going to have trouble accepting…" Willow sighed in resignation. "Fine. What do you want me to wear?" Harry held up the magazines. "Your choice." "Ughh! The woman on the knitting one is three times my age, I am the house, so there's no keeping necessary that doesn't do itself, and I'm not pregnant! Why would you even get that magazine?" ...
    ... "I can change the sizes," Harry said, ignoring Willow's annoyance completely. "Harry, get Hermione here right now. If she wants this so badly, she can be the one to make me some clothes," Willow demanded, just as a portal opened and Hermione came through. "I got the feeling I was needed here." "Make me some clothes, and keep him away from anything related to it," she said, pointing at Harry, who was rolling his eyes. Hermione, not knowing anything about fashion, did only marginally better than Harry. Willow reluctantly chose clothes and Hermione conjured them. "Just make sure that you have them on and they stay on when we get here," Hermione said, and went back to her room, closing the portal behind her. At 5:00, Harry left to go to the park and meet the Grangers. Hermione was suddenly nervous than she had been all week, and Harry could feel it bleeding into him. Hermione and her parents were on their way. "Hermione, where is Harry's house, exactly?" Emma asked. "It's just a few blocks ahead," she said nervously. They walked in an awkward silence through Little Whinging, Hermione staring straight ahead, Emma staring at her, and Dan glancing between the two, confused. He was told a few days earlier that they would be having dinner at Harry's house to discuss something important, but he did not know what—just that it involved Hermione somehow and that Emma did not like it. "There he is," Hermione said lifelessly. "Hermione, why is he here? I thought we were going to his house, ...