1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... when really the part they want to get to is already on the outside, hidden under a bit of grass or something." Willow smiled. Her Harry was so smart, and he had found a challenge in matching Hermione's mind. "I was just going to suggest the hidden in plain sight bit, but the distraction is brilliant, Harry!" Hermione praised, excited. "I also think that we should have a way that we can get through each other's defenses if we have to talk. Like a secret knock on the door or something." They both went into spell-making mode and worked on their occlumency. Harry spent his time making a horrific landscape filled with things designed to put fear into the souls of anyone that so much as glanced in his mind. He concealed the true entrance to his mind, which was also filled with more realistic traps for the people that were smart enough to figure out his trick, underneath a dirty, slightly burnt welcome mat. He resisted the urge to cackle madly as he did this. Hermione smiled at Harry's lunacy as she created her own mindscape. Hers was a bit more subtle than Harry's. It was a somewhat inviting cabin at the far end of a field. As the mental invader approached the cabin, it slowly became farther and farther away. The person could walk for hours and only end up farther than when they started. The secret was to pick a blade of grass and whistle with it, and the house would not move. Harry and Hermione tried to look into the other's mind and try to get past the defenses. Hermione only ...
    ... lasted a few seconds before she came out of his mind, crying in fear. Harry and Willow spent ten minutes calming her down, and then Harry tried breaking into Hermione's mind. Knowing that he was basically walking into a trap, he started towards the house. As he did, he noticed it getting farther away, and grinned. Hermione was brilliant. Hermione heard his thought, and the grass and sky blushed for a moment. He was in her mind, after all. He looked around for unusual features in the environment. He saw none, and left her mind. "What's the trick?" he asked. "You have to pick a blade of grass and whistle with it before you can go inside. Then there are some surprises in there, too." Willow saw her smile, and noted that it was almost exactly the same as the one Harry had earlier. How could children be so innocent yet so cruel at the same time? She decided not to think about it. Humans in general were puzzling to her. Chapter 7: It's A Witch! On Saturday, Hermione began her day by imagining all sorts of horrific scenarios that could happen later. She was scheduled to bring her parents to the park where they would meet Harry, who would then open a portal to the tree. Hermione wanted to open it herself from her room to show how good she had gotten, but Harry thought that might not be something they would appreciate. Also, Harry thought it would be more like a night out if they actually left her house. Meanwhile, Harry was exhausting himself conjuring clothes for Willow. "It's not a ...