1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Perhaps it will come naturally, or we'll have to sort of practice with it," Hermione said out loud. Harry and Willow stared at her. "What?" she asked. "Hermione, nobody said anything." Willow said. "I was thinking about how it will work," Harry started. "But I didn't say it out loud." Hermione clapped her hands. "Great! That means that we just need to work a bit on control and we'll get it working." "We should start working on a way to keep our thoughts to ourselves," Harry thought. Hermione looked at him and he got a confusing thought that was impossible to interpret and started to give him a headache. "Ow! Think in words, not pain," Harry said. "Sorry, Harry," she said out loud. "Have either of you tried that Occlumency thing Lily told you about?" Willow asked. "No," Harry said. "I guess we better get it down quick." "Sounds good. Hermione, aren't you supposed to be at home and in bed?" Willow asked. "Oh no!" Hermione looked at her watch. "It's almost 3:00! I have to go. See you later, you two." Hermione left through a portal into her room, but Harry still felt the warm feeling he got whenever she was in the room. x x x Harry and Hermione spent Friday experimenting with the idea of having someone's mind inside of your own and figuring out how Occlumency worked. "Lily said it was simply visualizing a wall around your mind," Willow said. "That shouldn't be too hard; you both have very good imaginations." "She said this was something that is common knowledge among witches?" ...
    ... Hermione asked. For the first time, Harry realized that when Hermione said things like this, she did it on purpose—her own way of being a feminist while not making it seem obvious or overbearing. Harry also could feel that she really wanted him to challenge her on it, and she was simultaneously frustrated and proud of him. She had a set of very sarcastic remarks ready for anyone who did call her out. Harry never really thought about her as someone with a sense of humor. She was always either excited about learning or withdrawing so that people would not hurt her. If she said the funny things that ran through her mind out loud, she would have plenty of actual friends. The ones that saw the serious, studious Hermione would only use her for help with something and then say things behind her back. She was really just hurting herself. "I got the impression that it was more like a specialty—like if you need to learn how, it is accessible, but most people don't even think about it," Willow said. "So most people learn it through someone else or from a book, right?" she asked. "So there isn't really any difference between shields. That means that if we make a wall around our minds, anyone trying to get through will instantly try breaking through the wall." "I see what you're saying, I think," Harry interjected. "If we make a huge military base that looks impossible to get inside, with all kinds of traps and barbed wire, they will either give up or waste their time trying to get past it, ...