1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Dumbledore asked him. "Yes, in the shape of an oval." "A sort of door shape?" he asked. The Auror cast a spell at the stone and a blue light appeared where the residual magic was. "I suppose you might call it that." Dumbledore turned to Madam Bones. "I think the Department of Mysteries should handle this. Despite its muggle mystique, Stonehenge has magical properties that are mostly unknown to us. For all we know, it could have been used as a transportation hub of sorts long ago." "I'll get them on it right away," Madam Bones said. "Then I shall make my way back to Hogwarts." Madam Bones nodded at him. After apparating to the gates of Hogwarts and making his way to his office, Snape approached him. "It seems everyone in Diagon Alley felt it, but instead of feeling burnt or drained like they should have, they reported much…odder…occurrences." "Such as?" Dumbledore asked. This was quite a curious situation. "They said they felt…" Snape gave him a twisted, sarcastic smile. "'An incredible presence of…love.'" "Love?" Dumbledore asked, his eyebrows raised. "Yes. Love. Everyone there was quite…eager to share their experience with me." Snape shuddered. "How odd," Dumbledore said as he went off into thought. x x x Harry had immediately fallen right back to sleep and Hermione was not moving at all except to breathe. Willow was getting concerned. They had been like this for hours with no changes at all. She had no way to take Hermione back to her house and into bed, and her parents ...
    ... would not take kindly to her being somewhere that wasn't her bed at four in the morning. She was just about to consider something drastic when she noticed they had moved. Harry and Hermione were now holding hands. Willow thought they might be waking up. x x x Harry opened his eyes and saw nothing but black. He could see himself when he looked down, but there was nothing else. He did, however, feel like there was something new inside of him. He considered the feeling, which reminded him of Hermione, and he remembered what happened. "Hermione?" he called into the darkness. There was no response, although the new feeling in his mind twitched slightly. "Hermione, can you hear me?" Like a distant echo, he heard Hermione's voice. "Harry? Where are you?" "Hermione, I can barely hear you. And I can't see you. I can't see anything at all, actually." "Neither can I. Keep talking. We'll just follow the sound of our voices." "Okay." Harry began to walk in the direction he heard her last. "What do you think is happening?" "I don't know. We've had spells not work before, but nothing like this ever happened." Hermione said as she went closer to Harry. Eventually they found each other. The world instantly came back to them as soon as their hands touched. They were both on the floor, holding each other's hand. "Are you two okay?" Willow asked nervously. "Yes, we're fine," they answered together. They looked at each other in shock. "I wonder how this will work?" Harry thought. "I'm not sure. ...