1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... beginning to stir. "Harry, wake up!" She slapped his face lightly to bring him around. "What?" He opened his eyes slowly. "Hermione! Where's Hermione?" Willow pointed through the portal at Hermione. "You have to get her, Harry. I can't go out twice." But Harry was already on his way before she even finished speaking. He picked her up, and she mumbled something about feeling funny as she started to wake up. "Hurry back, Harry," Willow shouted to him. "We need to get out of here." When Harry reached the portal, Willow took Hermione and Harry hurriedly closed the portal. Just a second after the portal closed, several pops echoed throughout the stones standing in the field. A team of witches and wizards came into existence with their wands drawn, looking around as if expecting to be attacked. Deciding there was no danger, they put their wands into their holsters. "There's nothing here, Dumbledore," a stern-looking middle-aged witch said. "Then the persons involved have already left. Someone should look for traces of residual magic," Dumbledore said as he looked around. "Ah! A clue, Madam Bones." Several of the people ambled over to him, where he was examining the ground. "Blood and a silver knife," Madam Bones said. "The blood looks to be burnt or something. In any case, we won't be able to find out anything from it, except that it was left here. What about the knife? Have you ever seen a design like that before?" "I believe this is the image that muggles have of ritual ...
    ... daggers," Dumbledore said. "It's also the full moon, and at Stonehenge. A stereotypical scene for a ritual of some sort. Someone here was raised by muggles but not educated in the wizarding world very well." "So you don't think it has anything to do with the Dark Lord?" Madam Bones asked. "Few people, especially among his followers, are aware that Voldemort was raised by Muggles." Everyone except Madam Bones was shocked. "No, this seems more like something done by underage wizards. Very strong ones. How did the residual magic scans go?" "Well, there were two people, and they stood in the middle there," an Auror said. "They performed a very complex spell that seems to be of their invention, which caused the wave, and it apparently worked better than they intended, because they were knocked out by the wave they caused." "Interesting. So the wave was an unintentional effect of the spell, not the goal of the spell itself?" Dumbledore asked. "Exactly. Then a non-human, but extremely magical creature picked one of them up and carried him over there." He pointed to one of the standing stones. "The residual magic leads right up to the surface of the stone. It's as if a hole opened up in it and they walked through. Then the wizard walked back and got the second one. Then they somehow left." "They apparated?" Madam Bones asked. "No, it seems they simply…disappeared. No traces of any magical transportation that I have ever seen." He shrugged. "You say there was magic used on the stone?" ...