1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... hope that you won't refuse to punish him just to get even with Severus," Dumbledore said, not needing to say that it was not a suggestion. "Severus, you need to keep the Slytherin students to your own standards if you are going to be threatening those of other houses with expulsion." "But Headmaster—" Snape's whining was interrupted by a wave of magic that almost took them off of their feet. Dumbledore did not notice the fire starting on Harry's recording instruments as they were in a closet across the castle, covered in thick blankets to drown out the sound of the alarms that had been sounding non-stop for the past several months. "My word! What was that, Albus?" McGonagall asked. "I don't know, but it was not caused by anything at Hogwarts," Dumbledore said as he checked the instruments that were still in his office. "Nothing was recorded here." "Hogsmeade, perhaps?" Snape suggested. He may have been a petty hypocrite, but he knew how to act in a potential crisis situation. "No. The monitors at Hogwarts reach past the borders of Hogsmeade." Dumbledore went to the map of Britain that was hanging on the wall. He had not needed to use this one in years. "Stonehenge. It came from Stonehenge." Everyone in the room paled at that. If that was what the wave of magic felt like after traveling over 600 kilometers, it would have been moderately incapacitating at best at the point where it started. "Severus, check on Diagon Alley. Minerva, you're in charge whilst I am gone," he said ...
    ... as he took off his Hungarian Horntail slippers and put on more respectable shoes. "Gone? Where are you going at this hour?" McGonagall asked. "To the Ministry. They will be in a panic about this, and it's best if a clear-headed individual goes." He threw floo powder into his fireplace, said "Ministry of Magic" clearly, and hopped in. McGonagall sighed. She should probably make sure that nobody was taking advantage of the situation and causing mischief. Gryffindor was the most likely, so she started there. x x x Willow was in a similar state of panic as Harry and Hermione collapsed and a wave of magic like none she had ever felt before blew her onto her back. She slowly got up and saw the two children lying unconscious on the ground. "Harry? Hermione?" she called, to no response. They were about five meters away from the edge of the portal. If she hurried, she could carry them one at a time before she started to feel the effects of being away from her tree. Bracing herself, she sprinted out of the portal to get Harry. She ran as fast as she could, but was already feeling weaker. She picked up Harry and ran back to the portal, stumbling as she finally reached it. She looked at herself. Her skin was wrinkled so much that she looked almost as old as she was. Her nails were yellowed and chipped, and her hair was pure white. The vines she wore as clothing were starting to brown. As she watched, everything was slowly going back to normal. "Ughh…" she heard from behind her. Harry was ...