1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... stayed as close to the portal as she could without actually crossing, since she couldn't leave the shade of her tree. While her tree was certainly big, its shade did not reach across the country. They stood in the center of the ruins and Hermione got out the piece of paper they wrote the steps for the ritual on. "Okay, so at exactly 11:48 and fifteen seconds, we start the ritual. You say something about what the ritual is supposed to do." Hermione said. "Then we each cut our palms with a silver dagger that you have conjured. Got it?" Harry held up the dagger. "Then we hold our hands like we are arm-wrestling and each say a bit about how much we mean to each other and that we never want to be apart. Finally, we heal the cuts on each other's hands. Did you come up with a healing spell?" Harry looked insulted. "Of course. That was one of my first spells that was actually useful. Did you learn a healing spell?" "Yes, Harry. It was one of my first spells, after all." She stuck her tongue out, and they both laughed as they got into position. "Twenty seconds." Hermione stared at her watch, and eventually nodded at him. "Okay…this ritual is to let us become family, and never drift apart. It will bind us closer than actual siblings and will let us know when the other is in danger or upset. With this, we will be able to show each other our inner most thoughts," he declared. They each cut their hand and held them together. "Harry, since we've met, you've been my best friend. I keep ...
    ... waiting for the moment that you wake up and see how bossy and bookish I am. But now I think that you understand those things about me, and accept them. I don't think that we'll ever stop being friends, and I don't think I'll regret being your sister." Harry smiled at her. "Hermione, I know that you're bossy and a know-it-all, but that's what makes you you. The only thing I have ever really wanted in my life is family. Thank you for becoming mine. You're a wonderful person, and I certainly won't regret becoming your brother." They separated their hands and drew a line down their sibling's cut, healing as they touched it. "Well, I don't feel any different," Hermione said. "Do you?" Harry shrugged. "Not really." Then both their worlds went black. x x x "Severus, I cannot expel a student for actions that you let your own get away with no punishment whatsoever. Mr. Weasley will be punished, but not in any way I can imagine you deem appropriate," Dumbledore said. He was beginning to realize that his headaches happened to coincide with his two most trusted colleagues being in the same room for more than five minutes. They had been arguing for three hours now. "I know not what you speak of, headmaster." "Albus, I know for a fact that Marcus Flint did the same thing in his first week here. And he's a second year!" Minerva McGonagall said. "I'm well aware of the fact, Minerva, but that doesn't change the fact that punishment for this lies with the head of house of the student involved. I ...