1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... uncomfortable. "Maybe a little." Emma sighed. "Is it illegal?" "Not as far as I know…" she said uncertainly. "Alright, but it better clear up a lot of things, Hermione." She kissed Hermione on the forehead and walked away. As soon as her mother was out of sight, Hermione slammed the door, locked it, and drew up a portal. "Harry! Problem!" she shouted. "What? Are you alright?" he asked, starting to panic. "My Mum knows something's up! She kept asking me what was going on with you and me, and I think she overheard me talking about our ritual!" "Okay, well then let's explain it to her," he reasoned. "I told her that they can come here for dinner on Saturday." Harry stared at her. "Are you insane! I don't think that the best way for them to find out is by going through a glowing hole in reality into a giant tree that is sitting inside of itself in a body that looks like my mother at a table that is alive. You think that's the best idea!" "Well, they'll certainly believe anything we say after that…" she said uncertainly. "Oh my God…" Harry put his face in his hands. "Willow, you're going to have to act more like a parent to Harry when they come." "You don't think I do now?" "YOU LET HIM DECIDE THAT HE SHOULDN'T GO TO SCHOOL ANYMORE AND LIVE IN A TREE INSTEAD!" "Hey, what's wrong with trees? Besides, I let him decide that because it was logical and everything we talked about was true. I don't believe he's getting a proper education where he is now." "And you're going to have to ...
    ... wear clothes on Saturday," Hermione demanded. "My parents might be able to take a lot of things, but a mostly naked woman is toeing the line." "I tried to get her to, but she won't," Harry said. "I gave it up as hopeless." "Why should I have to cover myself with uncomfortable, scratchy strangling devices? You already know what's underneath and it's not like I'm completely exposed." "I don't know what's underneath, and I don't want to, thank you," Harry said in exaggerated disgust. "You're my mum's twin, remember?" "Just one night," Hermione begged. "Please?" "Fine. But nothing too constrictive. Harry conjured a blanket for me." "It wasn't a blanket, it was modest!" Harry defended. Hermione looked at Harry. "Harry?" she asked nervously, almost whispering. "What is it, Hermione? You don't have to be so nervous. We're going to be blood siblings, remember?" "If they hate me and never want to see me again, can I stay here?" she asked. "They won't do that, Hermione." Harry declared. "They're good people. You don't have to worry about that." Hermione looked at him with the most pained expression he had ever seen and he sighed. "If they lose their minds, you can stay here until they find them again." "Thanks Harry." She hugged her future brother. x x x At 11:45 on Thursday night, a few minutes before the moon was exactly full, Hermione snuck over to Harry's tree and he opened a portal to Stonehenge. Hermione told Harry about her magical landmark idea, and Harry was all for it. Willow ...