1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... think is important, and she seems to like books a lot, which is unusual, since they're made out of dead and shredded trees. I didn't think she would appreciate that, I'll have to ask. I know I wouldn't like books made out of my friends' skin…" she mumbled as she wandered off to her room. Emma was in a mild state of shock. "Human schools? Shredded trees? Books made out of people's skin? What the hell was up with that? I'm going to have to talk to…whoever Harry is staying with," she thought to herself. "Hermione's been getting weirder and weirder every day since she met Harry, but this is borderline surrealistic." She went upstairs to Hermione's room and listened at the door. "We're definitely going to need blood, and the full moon will be the best time for the ritual, it will be more powerful that way. I wonder if we could do it in a magical place as well. One of us could open a portal to Stonehenge or Machu Picchu…" she said to herself, as if ticking off the items on the shopping listfor a dinner party she was planning. Emma knocked on the door. "Hermione?" She heard footsteps and the door opened a crack. "Yes Mum?" Emma almost screamed when she saw Hermione's face. Her eyes had an excitement that looked at home on a serial killer, and she was wearing a grin so wide that all of her teeth could be seen. "Er…What are you doing, Hermione?" she asked warily, hoping her daughter wouldn't murder her. "Me?" she asked, and her face snapped to a cute, gentle smile. "Why, I'm just ...
    ... helping Harry with some…homework of his. You know how good I am at—hehe—homework." "Yes…" Emma said slowly. This was beyond enough. "Open your door right now, Hermione Jane. You have some explaining to do." "What do you mean?" she asked nervously. "Either open the door or come out. Now." Hermione slowly opened the door. "What's going on with you, Hermione? Ever since you met Harry, you've been saying weird things, we hardly ever see you anymore except at night, and I have no idea where you go, except that it's with Harry and his mysterious guardian that I've never met, and who apparently doesn't like 'human' schools and has something against paper. They apparently have no connection to the outside world in their house, you came home today talking like some kind of radical, and I heard you just now talking about blood rituals and magical portals to Stonehenge. And then you come out of your room with the face of a madman! Explain. Now." Hermione suddenly looked very guilty. "I can't." "Excuse me?" "It's a secret, and you wouldn't believe me if I told you," she explained. Her expression turned into a murderer again. One that was about to be executed. She swallowed. "How about I show you and Dad on Saturday at Harry's place for dinner?" Emma sighed. Whatever was going on, it was something that Hermione really did not want her parents to know about. Something that she thought they would hate her for, but she was willing to show them. "Is whatever it is dangerous?" Hermione looked ...