1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... watched in interest. "What do you mean?" Hermione asked. "Well…I don't know really, just an idea…" he trailed off. "Okay, let's do it. But what exactly would it do?" Harry went into thought. "It should let us know how the other is at all times. That way, if one of us is feeling bad, we can cheer each other up." Harry's excitement began to bleed into Hermione. "And we can send each other messages that only we can hear! That shouldn't be too hard to do." "And we should be able to let the other see something we are looking at if we are apart. Hmm…I don't know how we would do that…" "I've got it, Harry. We can look through the other's eyes! Like watching a TV!" "Oh, that's good. I wish I thought of that." "Harry, I have one more idea…" Hermione seemed hesitant. "Well, go on, then," Harry said, thinking they had the beginnings of an excellent idea. "Do you know about blood brothers?" she asked nervously. "Er…it's when two boys have the same parents," Harry said. "No. It's when two people who aren't related but think of each other as siblings cut themselves and shake hands so that they share the same blood." "Really? You think of me as a brother?" Harry asked, and she nodded. "Well, I feel the same. I mean—that is—I think of you as sister, not a brother." Willow watched them hug and thought they had planned something that would be good for both of them. Having only had blood for a few days herself, the only thing she knew about its use in magic was the protection that Lily gave to ...
    ... Harry. She figured that anything that could give them even more protection was good. She had no idea that two highly powerful and highly unqualified children with a history of abnormal magical occurrences happening to them were planning to do something unbelievably stupid and dangerous that could potentially kill both of them and destroy their souls. She smiled warmly at their excitement. x x x "Mum?" Emma Granger could tell that her daughter's question would be either difficult or confusing and nonsensical, as she had been lately. "Yes, Hermione?" she asked warily. "Is the British educational system really just a tool for producing mindless drones who have nothing better to do with their lives than make money by doing menial tasks so they can have useless belongings and set bad examples for their children who will be even more lazy and selfish, only with none of the skill that their parents have, effectively halting the progress of human civilization indefinitely?" Emma looked at her daughter in shock. Where was she hearing these things? "Well, I think that's taking it a bit…far. Education these days is mostly focused on getting people ready for their future jobs, and yes…I think there's less of a focus on the arts as there should be…Hermione, where did you hear that?" "Harry's mum took him out of school and is basically home schooling him with mostly independent study. I don't think she likes human schools very much. She thinks that people should just learn everything they ...