1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... remember your first conversation with Harry?" "Yes, I remember it well." she glared at Harry, who smiled guiltily. "Not the witch part," Willow said. "You were talking about Shakespeare." "Yes, how did you know that?" Hermione asked. "Harry has always told us everything about his life, even before he knew anyone here could understand him. It was the way he compensated for not having anyone to talk to. Anyway, you were excited when he knew what your name was from." "Well, he was the first person that knew the name, as far as I can remember." "And you assumed he learned it from a class, but he read it on his own. Your teacher didn't even recognize your name." "Right…" Hermione was beginning to think that she was going to lose this argument. "From what I can tell, humanity is currently in a stale, unmoving state. Sure, there is new technology every day, but people are increasingly being valued as money-movers rather than thinkers or artists. New developments in technology are no longer new ideas; they're ways to do the same things faster or easier. Your society, and from what Lily told me, magical society, reflects that in the state of the next generation. They are mostly lazy, privileged children who think they deserve to get things handed to them for no reason. They will mostly grow up to be of little value to society. Their lives will not change much after age twenty-five or so. The only valuable in their lives will be the numbers of children, divorces, and health problems ...
    ... they have, and how much they are paid per year. There is no place for art or philosophy there. There are people, such as your parents, who strive to better themselves. But they are rare. Think of these things, Hermione, and tell me which system is the travesty." Hermione was shocked. "Well, his marks—" "Are useless numbers that show his ability to memorize inane facts, and will be not only useless, but also detrimental to his life as a wizard. As you have seen, magic thrives on the imagination, and living in an environment of conformity does not allow for good results. From what Lily said about the magical world, you and Harry are both way above the level of most adults, and meet the level of raw talent of the most powerful ones, and that will only rise. Provided you are in the right environment, of course." Hermione admitted that she had lost. "So you're never coming back?" she asked pitifully. "I'll still see you every day, Hermione," Harry assured her. "You'll still come, right?" "Of course, Harry. You'll need a spell to keep me away," she said, feeling like the moment of his departure from his life she had always expected was finally coming. A single tear crawled down her cheek. "Hey, you okay?" Harry asked. He didn't know she cared about school this much. "It's not like you'll never see me again, right?" "Promise?" she asked. "Of course," he replied. "Hey, we should make a spell that will let us always stay friends." They looked at each other for a moment, and Willow ...