1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... sick. x x x "And manifestation?" Harry asked Willow. "Er…what's the context?" she asked. "Symbols occur in all kinds of psychic manifestation," Harry responded. He had pronounced it 'puh-saitch-ic.' "It's pronounced 'sai-kick,' Harry. The P is silent. And a manifestation is a physical embodiment of an idea or force. For example, a dryad is a physical manifestation of the spirit of the tree," Willow explained. A portal opened and Hermione came in. "Hermione? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" Harry asked. "I could ask you the exact same question, Harry Potter," she started. "I left during lunch so that I wouldn't miss anything. You, on the other hand, have been here all day, and it doesn't look like you are planning to go in at all." "Well, I realized yesterday after we went to the library that I learn more on my own than I do in school. It's the same with you, except that you don't want to admit that you are smarter than the teachers. I'm learning things that are useful to me personally at a higher level than the students two years older than us. Did you know this is university-level reading?" He held up Man and His Symbols. "People ten years older than me are reading this. Sure, there are some words I don't know, but Willow can help me with that. And I don't always understand it, but I get the impression most people don't." "You're getting it better in one day than most people do after several months, Harry," Willow agreed. "Well, that's good, but what ...
    ... about the things we're supposed to be studying? You need those too," Hermione reasoned. "I'm not going back, Hermione," Harry insisted. "Besides, the Dursleys will realize that they can get their tuition money back. I'll only have a few months left anyway." "Well…" Hermione started slowly. "I can ask my parents if they'd be willing to pay for you to—" "No, Hermione," he interrupted. He looked at her sadly and sighed. "I can't accept that. That offer means so much to me, and I know you're just trying to look out for me, but that's just too much. I talked this over with Willow after you left yesterday, and she agrees with me to an extent." Hermione's head whipped over to Willow. "Is that true? You think this is a good idea? I thought you were supposed to act like a parental figure for him, not support this…this travesty of an idea of his!" Willow looked back calmly at Hermione. "Hermione, one of your faults as a person is that you have absolute faith in a failing system. That's not too bad as faults go," she added when Hermione glared at her. "School is mostly a place to learn to take orders, sit in orderly rows, and pay absolute attention to your superior. It was made to train people for their mundane jobs, where they will use few of the skills they learned in school. Harry's destiny does not lie in a cubicle, or even a corner office on top of one of those tall metal buildings. Neither does yours, Hermione. You have a beautiful mind that is only dulled by going to school. Do you ...