1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... magic and my connection with her is what created her." "Harry, you're making very light of the situation," Willow interrupted. "The birth of a dryad is extremely rare. So rare, in fact, that in ancient times we were said to be the children of gods." "Really? Wow," Hermione said. "How do you know this? Do you know a lot of things?" "Hermione, I know everything a dryad needs to survive and keep her tree safe, and then everything I learned in the past hundred years or so of my life. Every type of being has what humans call a collective unconscious—knowledge that is given to them at birth that they need to survive," Willow explained. "Humans, however, seem to ignore this part of themselves. Just like they ignore everything that they cannot see, read about, or measure. One of the downsides of technology. "From what I understand, it cannot be fully denied, but it can be ignored. That is why there are so many symbols that occur separately throughout human history. Before the Nazis used it, the swastika was a symbol of peace and love throughout Asia, and of evolution or progress of the human race. Ironically, the Nazis reversed it so that, in some parts of the world, it symbolized the deterioration of humanity. Then there's things like snakes being evil (No offense)," she said to Nathair, "crosses, the All-Seeing Eye or Eye of Providence. All kinds of things. These are results of your collective unconscious trying to tell you something." "What are they trying to tell?" Hermione ...
    ... asked. The two humans were now very interested in the conversation. Willow laughed. "When I become a human, I'll tell you if I figure it out. A tree has no use for those things." "But you said you understood it all," Hermione said. "I said I understood the needs of trees and dryads," she defended. "I have no idea what humans are thinking. Or rather, what they aren't thinking, but should." "But you were talking about all of those things…" Harry argued. "Only because someone used to read books while sitting under me a few decades ago. He was not magical, so he could not allow the birth of a dryad, but he was still there quite often. Once in a while, he would bring friends, and they would talk about psychology." "So there are books about this?" Hermione asked. "We should check that out when we go to the library, Harry." "Okay, Hermione," Harry absently agreed. "In the meantime, can you tell me what my mother was like when she was younger, Willow?" Willow rolled her eyes as she thought of where to start. A dryad was born because of his nearly unique connection with her, and all he could think of was his mother. She wasn't sure whether she should find it cute or insulting, so she decided on cute. He did deserve it, after all. x x x Hermione sat in class on Tuesday, wondering where Harry was. It was unusual for him to be late. In fact, he was usually the first person in the room, including the teacher. Class had started ten minutes earlier and he still did not show up. Perhaps he was ...