1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... "Really?" he asked. "Yes, Harry. She spent much of the second half of her life as you did your first half. Her parents were killed in a car accident when she was fifteen, which is where Petunia got her story for your parents. Lily stayed with Petunia and her new husband at Privet Drive, but she spent most of it in misery. Just like you, she came here and talked to me. The exact spot you first sat in, in fact. I was quite surprised. "Because she formed such a connection with me, I was able to take her image and give you a day with her. Halloween is the time when the world of the living and the world of the dead are closest. It was the seventh Halloween since you were born, and that is a powerful combination. I was able to bring her soul to an empty body for one day before I took my place in it." "Isn't that necromancy?" Harry asked, wary. In everything he had read, this was one of the things that was most often considered dark or forbidden. "Yes, but only a bit." Harry was surprised by her frank answer. "Well, was I doing a good thing by letting you meet her?" "Yes, but—" "And was anyone hurt by it?" she asked. "I suppose not," Harry admitted. "And that's something you need to realize, Harry. There are no such things as 'good' or 'bad' magic. It's just a force, like fire or water. You can use it to cook food and water plants, but you can also burn down a village or drown someone. It's all about whether you want something harmful or helpful." Harry went into thought. "Now, if ...
    ... I wanted to bring your mother here permanently, that would be bad. She would be taken away from her family and friends that have already died, and would never be able to go back, not even when you died and joined them. It would be removing her happiness for all eternity. In the big picture, eternity is a long, long, time. A day is nothing." Hermione opened a portal into the tree. As she stepped in and saw Willow, she assumed that Lily had not left. "Oh! You're still here! Does that mean you'll be staying?" she asked excitedly. "No, Hermione," Willow said sadly. "Like she said yesterday, she was just using this body for the day. Introduce us, Harry." "Hermione, this is Willow, the dryad of this tree." "Willow? But aren't you an—" Everyone turned to look at Harry. "Oh. Sorry you had to go through that." "Don't worry about it, Hermione," she said as Harry pouted. "It's nice to finally meet you in person." "And it's nice to finally talk to you," she replied. She blushed as she said, "I must admit, I didn't know if I believed that Harry was really talking to you." "That's okay, Hermione. Most people wouldn't even consider it. That means you're actually pretty high up on my list of human ratings," Willow joked. They all laughed, even if Hermione did it a bit awkwardly. "Willow was telling me that my mother used to sit in the same spot as I did, and treated her like a person, so that's why she looks like her, and that's how she was able to bring her here for the day. Apparently our ...