1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... She was confused. "But I'm an oak." "Yes, but Oak sounds like the name of an old man who yells at kids for going on their lawn," Harry reasoned. The tree wasn't sure how to take that comment. "Willow is a much better name for a girl." "But I'm a tree, not a girl. And I'm older than your grandparents." "Just be glad he didn't start with 'Mrs. Tree,'" Nathair quipped, and Hedwig nodded sadly. Their friend just shouldn't be allowed to name anything. Everyone in the room was sure that Harry would someday have children that would be too young to realize they were about to be traumatized for life. "Well, you look like a girl to me. And you only look about ten years older than me. Unless you can come up with another girly tree name?" She looked very unhappy and resigned. "Great. I'm going to be known for years as Willow the Oak. That cluster of ashes across the field is going to be intolerable." "Yay!" Harry cheered. "I'm beginning to think that maybe you guys are going to force me to come up with boring names." "Yes, because Mr. Snake, Owly, and Willow the Oak are sooo wonderful," Nathair hissed as he crawled up Willow's leg. "If you're going to play his new mother, you better start his punishment." "Nathair!" she scolded. "You know how those…subhumans treated him." "Subhumans?" Harry asked. "Is that even a word?" "It is now. They gave up their humanity a long time ago," Willow said firmly. "Some might say they embraced it," Nathair said. "Now, don't tell me that with all of the ...
    ... time you've spent with Harry that he has not convinced you that not all humans are parasites?" she said to the snake that was now a few inches away from her eyes. "He has, actually," Nathair admitted reluctantly. "But he is highly unusual among any type of human." "That he is." Willow looked at her new foster son proudly. "How can you talk to him? Are you a speaker like me?" Harry asked. "He's still an idiot, even if he is smart for a human," Nathair complained. "Hush, you. I know for a fact that you crave his attention." If snakes could blush, Nathair would have. Willow turned back to Harry. "No, honey. I'm a dryad. I can communicate using human speech, as well as the way everything that lives does. Have a seat, and I'll tell you what's going on." Harry sat down as she began to pace gracefully. "One of the ways a dryad is created is when a person forms a unique connection with a tree. You saw beyond what your eyes did, and recognized that I was a living thing, not just a growing decoration. That is the first step. Second, I needed some magic to get a humanoid form. Most of this came from you, but what pushed it over the edge was when Hermione started coming too. Such happiness and positive emotions come from both of you. You are unusually happy with each other." She pulled a loose twig off of her vines. "Anyway, the final thing needed, the one which is most frequently absent, is a second person that thought of me as a living, thinking being. That, Harry, was your mother." ...