1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... by an ancestor of yours, Godric Gryffindor. When you go to the bank to get the money we left you, make sure to get access to that vault too. And try to keep that information to yourself. He's quite famous, you know." "He is?" they asked. "Well, he was the first headmaster and one of the founders of Britain's best school of magic." Lily grinned at their expressions. They began talking about less important, but still very interesting things, and eventually Hermione had to leave. "It was nice to meet you, Mrs.—Lily. I hope we'll meet again." "Oh, of course we will. But not for a long time," she said. She waved goodbye as Hermione left. "Harry, there's one more thing that I have been permitted to tell you while I'm here," Lily started hesitantly. "What is it?" Harry was nervous at her tone. "I'm going to tell you where babies come from." One embarrassing talk later (which Lily's state of dress did not help), Lily suddenly changed the subject. "Harry, I know all about the history of your relatives, but I also know a little bit of the future. I was a seer when I was alive, and I saw some things that will help some of your future decisions. I left a book in the Gryffindor vault which will help ease your mind about some things. Look into that, and any doubts you have will be cast aside." "If you were a seer, how come you didn't try to change anything about that night?" Harry asked. There was no need to clarify which night he meant. "Often, seers are unable to make predictions about ...
    ... their own lives. True seers, that is. There are people that can make predictions, but that is usually about the weather or if a boy likes you." Lily blushed as she remembered the many times the girls in her year asked about that. She always saw some things she didn't want to, and it was almost always about someone they would not even meet for years. "Oh," Harry said simply. "Tell me about Dad some more." Lily told her son about the other most important man in her life, until she realized that he fell asleep on her arm. She looked at Harry's wooden clock and sighed. It was almost time for her to go. Oh, well. It was a night she knew neither of them would forget in the slightest detail. Chapter 6: Family Harry woke up on November first to his mother's face. "You're still here! Does that mean you get to stay forever?" Harry shouted in joy. "Sorry Harry, but I am only using your mother's image. I am not her," the person replied. "What? Then who are you?" Harry slowly backed away. "Can you not see? Do not look only with your eyes, child," she said serenely. Harry used his special sense and realized something impossible had happened. "You're…er…the tree?" "Close enough, Harry. I assume you will embrace your humanity and be unable to continue this conversation until you give me a name?" she teased. "Yes! You need a name!" Harry said seriously. "Let me think…" Hedwig and Nathair gathered around them, waiting for the bomb to drop. "How about Willow?" Harry suggested happily. "Willow?" ...