1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... When they both calmed down, Harry thought of his third question. He looked very hesitant to ask. "Go ahead, Harry. I'll answer whatever I can," his mother encouraged. "Does…does it hurt to die?" he asked. She sighed. "No, Harry. Not at all. It often hurts a lot, right until you die, and then the pain goes away." She started to cry again, and she held onto Harry tightly as he joined her in tears. Hermione felt more awkward than ever as she started crying too, until she was pulled into a hug by both Harry and his mother. "So I'm out of questions, then?" Harry asked when they had all calmed down. "Yes. But I'm not the only one who knows anything, and you will have plenty of people that will answer your questions. I may be the smartest person in my class, but there are other people who know more than me in certain things. Your father was brilliant at transfiguration. He could turn himself into a stag." She smiled again as she started talking about happy things. "He looks exactly like you, Harry. Like a mirror image, except for the eyes and the scar." He flattened his hair down to cover it up. "Don't feel bad about it, Harry. Although you may hate it someday, just remember that it is…that it is a part of who you are. Anyway, we met at school. I hated him at first, because he was immature and annoying. Not everyone is as mature as you are Harry. You're very well-mannered for your age. Anyway, he eventually grew up, then we fell in love and got married, and a few years later, you ...
    ... came along." She smiled at Harry. "How did you first find out about magic, Mrs. Potter?" Hermione asked. "You said that the rest of your family wasn't, right?" "That's right. And please, call me Lily. Well, it's a bit of a funny story. In fact, it was almost the exact same way you found out, Hermione. One day, I jumped off of a swing and floated down, and a wizard that lived nearby saw me, and called me a witch." They all laughed. "He told me all about magic and we were best friends for years. He is one of the first people you will meet at school, and he will probably hate you. He is a very lonely, bitter man and he hated James. You look exactly like your father, and that will not endear you to him at all. But find a time to tell him that I forgive him, for everything, as long as he remembers two things when the time comes for him to choose: our last conversation and his deal with the headmaster. He'll know what I mean." "Okay, Mum," Harry replied as he wrote it down. "Tell us about the school. What's it called?" "Sorry, Harry," she started. "I can only tell you things that involve people that are related to you by blood, and cheat a little by giving you messages to tell certain people. I can't give you any names or tell you specific things, except for those three questions you got to ask me. I had to agree to that to come here. I think I made the right decision." She smiled at Harry. "I think it was right too," Harry agreed. "I can tell you, though, that the school was founded ...