1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... legilimency on you." Harry and Hermione had both gotten good at reading thoughts from each others' minds, but they never even considered a way to defend them. They trusted each other absolutely so weren't worried about it, but if there were other wizards, it was a skill they should learn. "Most people, who we call muggles, don't have any magic at all. Hermione's parents and the rest of my side of the family are all muggles. Some people have had magic in their family for hundreds of years, and they are quite proud of it, and look down on muggles and muggle-born witches like Hermione and me. You will both have to be careful around them. They will make up a large amount of the people that will be jealous of you." She looked like she wanted to say more, but couldn't. "There are magical neighborhoods and shopping districts, but someone will take you there when the time comes." Harry and Hermione took a second to process the information before asking the next question. "Who killed you, and why?" Lily sighed. He had to pick the hardest question possible. "How did you know someone killed us?" "Just a feeling I got," he replied. "A dark wizard named Voldemort killed us. The magical world was at war when we died, and he was the leader. He was one of the blood-purists that I warned you about. Most people were afraid to even say his name back then. However, a few people fought against his forces, the Death Eaters. Your father and I were two of those people, and we even fought Voldemort ...
    ... himself three times. We never beat him, of course. Nobody did. Well, almost nobody, but I'll get to that in a bit. We were some of the best fighters for our age, and Voldemort decided that we needed to be stopped. So he came to our house." She looked like she wanted to say something even more than the first time. "Your father held him off while I tried to take you and escape. You were just over a year old. I tried to get away, but they had put up a ward to stop us from apparating away. He killed your father and came upstairs where I was trying to escape. I tried to save you. I said he could kill me if he let you go, but he wouldn't do that. He killed me, and then the only good thing that night happened. "He tried to kill you too, but his killing curse just bounced right off of you and hit him. You are the only person that has survived that curse. That's what gave you that scar. And then he was gone. Not killed, but removed from his body and left to wander the earth as little more than a ghost. Harry, you will meet him again someday, and he will want revenge. He is very powerful. You are also extremely powerful, Harry. I have only seen one person as powerful than you, and that was Voldemort. But you have to promise me that you will not try to fight him until you are ready. He has fifty years of experience behind him. Be very careful." She started crying, and Harry joined her. He knew there was a lot she was not telling him, but he didn't want to pry and upset her even more. ...