1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... must remember that she is not me, even though we may look the same. But Harry, you can trust her with your life. Now come give me a hug." she begged Hermione with her eyes to let Harry go. "If you hurt him, you'll regret it." She stopped holding Harry back and he shot into his mother's arms. "I've missed you, my little boy," she said as she kissed his forehead repeatedly. "We've been watching every day, but it's been horrible to not be able to hold you, to guide you, to tell you that I love you." "Nobody's ever said that before," he cried. "Harry, listen to me." He stopped crying and looked into his mother's eyes. "If you choose to, you will be one of the most loved people in the world, and eventually there will be nothing you want that you don't already have. My sister and her husband have confused love with something else, and they've raised their son to do the same. That is something that too many people do. They don't love people. They love themselves, and their images. "All you need to do is trust your instinct. I'm not allowed to tell you much, but everything will be alright. Just listen to your heart; it cannot be wrong. If something feels right for you, it is, no matter how…unusual." She looked at Hermione. "That goes for you too. "Now, listen carefully, both of you. You both have very pure souls, and you will help a lot of people in your lives. You will have the best of friends, but you will also make enemies. These people will do their best to make you miserable ...
    ... and hurt. They will do that because they are jealous or afraid of you. Remember that, and you won't have as much of a problem with them. "Now, I'm allowed to answer three questions you have about anything I know about, and then we can spend the rest of the night talking about family, and what happened during the time I was alive. Choose your questions wisely. Only ask it if you think it is important. I can tell you about anyone you are related to by blood at any time, so leave questions like that for later." "I'm going to head home so that you two can have some privacy," Hermione said she stood. "No, stay. It's alright," Lily said. "You two have already accepted each other as siblings. Unless you object, Harry?" "No, of course not. And I really do think of you as a sister, Hermione." Harry gave her a hug. "Oh, thanks Harry. And I think of you as a brother." "Good. So stay a while," Harry said. Hermione sat down next to Harry. "Well, I guess my first question is, how come we can do magic but others can't? Are there others that can?" "Well, there are people across the world that can use magic. As far as I know, none of them use magic the same way you two do. Most witches and wizards can't perform magic without a wand, and if they can, it's only specialized types, like how you teleport, which is called apparating, and your telepathy, which is called legilimency. You should learn occlumency, which is basically visualizing a wall that protects your mind so that others cannot use ...