1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... here." Hermione started laughing again. "If you're not too distracted, of course." "Distracted by wh—Ah! I'm on fire!" Dudley began patting his sleeves furiously, and ran out of the park screaming. "Hermione? What did you do?" Harry was mildly worried. "I just gave him an illusion that he's on fire. It won't hurt him, and it will disappear as soon as he tells someone what happened here." Hermione smiled, and waited for Harry to realize the best part of her spell. "He'll tell his parents! He'll tell his parents that you started him on fire with magic, and he'll be punished for talking about magic. That's one of the only things they will punish him for! You're brilliant, Hermione!" Harry hugged her, and Hermione rejoiced inside. That was the first time Harry had initiated a hug with her. x x x After they took a quick walk around the park, Hermione opened a gate into the tree and they walked in to see the growth in the tree completely gone, and a woman sitting at the table and smiling at them. She had red hair and green eyes that matched Harry's exactly. She looked vaguely like Harry's Aunt Petunia, only when she saw Harry she looked happy instead of poisoned. She stood up as they stared at her. She was completely unclothed except for vines of ivy that seemed to grow right out of her body and covered the essential parts. "Who is she, Harry?" Hermione asked. "Mum?" Harry asked desperately. The woman smiled, nodded, and opened her arms, beckoning Harry to her. As Harry started to ...
    ... run towards her, Hermione grabbed onto him. "Harry, that's not her. You know that!" she reasoned. "No! It is her! I can feel it!" Harry struggled to break free of Hermione's grasp. "Harry, I know that magic can do a lot of things, but one thing that all of our sources agree on is that the dead can't just come back to life out of nowhere. And she certainly wouldn't be waiting in your secret house that only two people know about. It's a trick, Harry," she whispered. "She's right, Harry," the woman said. Harry went limp in Hermione's arms. "But she's also wrong. Please let me explain. I don't have much time. "Thank you for watching out for my son, Hermione. A few months with you has mostly undone the years that my sister and her vile husband spent ruining him." Hermione looked suspiciously at her. "My name is Lily Potter. But this is not my body. Well, it's…inspired by mine, and is almost exactly the same. But I can only be in this body until sunrise, and then I'm going back to where I came from. After that, you can get the full explanation from the owner of my body since I don't really know what happened myself. I just know that it is the seventh Halloween since Harry was born. That's a magical number on a magical day. Inexplicable things are bound to happen, especially to you, Harry." Harry spoke up for the first time. "So, you're like a ghost?" "Sort of. But the particulars don't matter. The point is, I will be here until sunrise, and then someone else will come. Harry, you ...