1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... than him. Or people that will get punished for fighting him," Harry muttered. "So you know the obvious solution, right?" "You want him or should I?" she asked. "Try not to use any obvious magic. Make it seem like he's pathetic, get one hit in, and he'll run away screaming. Ready?" She nodded. They both advanced until they were close to Dudley. "Hey Dinky Diddums. Does your mum know her precious, well-behaved young gentleman is at the park chasing little kids around while they're outnumbered three-to-one?" "Potter! I was hoping to see you. Dad said I could hurt you as much as I want next time I saw you." As Dudley was boasting, his former targets ran away. The rest of his gang came closer, expecting to see Harry and Hermione get crushed. "Well, everybody makes mistakes. What he meant was that you could try." "You think you could beat me, Potter?" Dudley laughed. "As if a shrimp like you could even touch me." "Oh, there's no doubt in my mind that I could. But my apprentice here might go easy on you, and if she does, you might get a lucky hit in." With that, Harry sat down on the closest bench to watch. "Oh, and don't use your entire gang of blockheads on her. I'm sure you could beat one little girl on your own, right?" Dudley's gang all backed up several feet to make space. "Of course, Potter. What's the hamster your apprentice in? Not having any friends? She already knows everything else." Harry grinned. Any chance that Hermione would not want to hurt him instantly ...
    ... disappeared. "Magic, actually. And forget about what I said about her going easy on you. You just lost your fight, Dudley. I hope Aunt Petunia can stuff your face with food and make you forget about this." "We'll see," Dudley replied, a little less certain than he was a second ago. He brought up his fists clumsily and looked at Hermione. "Come on, then," Hermione said. She stood in the same position she was in before—calm and carefree, with her hands hanging limply at her sides. She looked very bored. "Get her!" Dudley shouted, and pointed at Hermione. His gang didn't move, and just stared at him. "She's just a girl! Get her yourself!" somebody shouted. Hermione started laughing, and that set Dudley off. "I'll give you something to laugh at!" He brought up a fist and started running in her direction, and tripped over his own feet. Hermione started laughing harder, and Harry joined in, as Dudley turned as purple as Harry's uncle. "Thanks, Dudley, that was very funny," Hermione said, still laughing. Dudley got up and ran at her again. He then inexplicably punched himself in the face. "Ow! That hurt!" he said to his hand as if it betrayed him. The members of Dudley's gang began to shake their heads in disgust and left for something less pathetic. Dudley tried to punch Hermione, but she calmly walked out of his fists path. It was as if he was trying to punch through water. "That wasn't fast enough, Dudders," she taunted. "I'll get you for this! I swear!" "Well, come on, then. I'm right ...