1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... annoyance. "Honestly, how is it that you're so smart when it comes to magic, but something like this and your brain goes right out the front door?" "But I don't have a door," he replied slowly so that Hermione could understand the simple concept. "Why don't we just start working on that telepathy thing?" she suggested. x x x Harry and Hermione continued to make progress in all the spells they were working on, and Hermione eventually reached Harry's level, except for a couple of things, such as the gates and conjuring food. No matter how simply Harry tried to explain it to her, she could not make a gate. Harry suspected that she still didn't believe it was possible, even though she had seen him do it on many occasions. No matter how small the food, she could not conjure so much as a crumb. Hermione was beginning to get frustrated. Halloween came before Harry knew it, and he was worried. For Harry, Halloween was traditionally a day where something either very good or very bad happened (though usually bad with the Dursleys), which made him worried. He spent the night before thinking he would never see Hermione again, and he would be forced to move back in with the Dursleys. Or maybe it would be the day he found out that there was no such thing as magic and it was all just a dream. Or what if the thing that the tree was growing really was a disease and the tree wasn't thinking properly? He was getting even more worried about that, because he could now hear something moving ...
    ... inside. So much was right with Harry's life that he did not think that it could last forever. Hermione was still trying to figure out how to make gates (she had given up conjuring food, thinking it was another one of the things that only Harry could do), but after a point she couldn't take it anymore. "Harry, let's go down to the park for a little bit. I need to take my mind off of making the gate," she sighed. "Alright. Want to try making the one down there?" he offered. "Well…I suppose it can't hurt." She took out her chalk and drew an oval on the wall, and wrote 'park' in Japanese. "Remember that you're about to unzip a door. There will be something on the other side, just like turning a doorknob," Harry suggested. Hermione closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and drew the line down the middle. Harry silently smiled, and she looked in front of her. "I did it!" she screamed. "I noticed. What do you think you did differently this time?" he asked. Hermione thought for a moment. "I think the difference was, this time I actually wanted to go somewhere, not just make a portal," she said happily. "Well, there you go," Harry said. "I think you've got it. Now let's walk around the park to celebrate." They didn't walk very far when they saw Dudley and his gang chasing some younger kids around. Harry sighed. "So how should we deal with him," Hermione asked. "He's a bully. He's really weak, but he makes himself feel stronger by outnumbering people and fighting people that are even weaker ...