1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... isn't family. I never even told you when my birthday was! Did my parents tell you?" She watched as Harry's brain deciphered her machine-gun speech. "Er…no. I just felt that you needed me to surprise you, and so I did. Happy birthday, Hermione." "Thanks Harry. It means more to me than you know," she said, trying not to cry. "Although I had a lot of explaining to do when my mum came in." Harry winced. "What did you tell her?" "That they were from you. I kind of told her that you ran away from the Dursleys, though. I said that you were living at a friend's place, the owner thought of you as a son, and you have everything you need. She said she wouldn't tell anyone." "Oh. Okay," he said, unknowingly relieving Hermione's fears that he would think she betrayed him. "One question, though," Hermione began. "What?" "How did you get that many flowers into my bedroom in the middle of the night without waking anyone up?" "Flowers?" he asked. "Hermione, I didn't send you any flowers. I bought you a piece of chocolate. Flowers would have been a good idea, though." "But—but my room was filled with flowers today," she exclaimed. Harry looked off to the side and seemed to be having a conversation. "No, those were from the tree apparently. I guess it didn't think that a piece of candy was good enough," he said dejectedly. "Harry, it was good. It was my first present ever from someone that wasn't my parents. Or…er…a tree," she reassured him. "But please tell me you didn't buy it using ...
    ... conjured money." "No, I went by sewers and summoned any loose change that fell down. You'd be surprised how much of it there is." "You went through sewers for me?" she asked. "Well…yeah. I know it's kind of gross, but it was the only way I could—" Hermione cut him off by attempting to hug him to death. "Thank you, Harry." She gave him a peck on the forehead. "So you were saying something about feeling it? You mean like telepathy?" "No, but that's something we should definitely try." He wrote down something on a slip of paper that was on the table next to him. "This is my list of spells to learn. Anyway, it's more like feeling the emotions that a life form gives off and understanding them instinctually. From what Nathair says, it's practically impossible to teach." Hermione looked depressed at hearing about another thing that Harry could not teach her. "Another thing?" "Yes, but I think that you can learn it if you do it accidentally, so you might be able to learn it eventually." Hermione brightened again. "Good. So what else is new?" she asked. "Well, that thing in the tree has gotten a lot bigger. It's the size of a large dog now," he said as he pointed to it. Indeed, it had grown significantly in the past two days, and was now more than ten times the size it was when they first talked about it. "Whatever is growing, it's big and I don't think it's more furniture. Hey, what if it's a tree egg?" he asked, excited. "Harry, those are called seeds. Or acorns," she explained in slight ...