1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... from a very poor background, but to have a garden that could support the amount and variety of flowers here, only to give them away to a nine-year-old girl? That meant they had money. And that Harry Potter was closer to her daughter than she had thought. "Er—No…" Hermione bit her lip. "Well, actually yes. That is—" "Hermione, what is going on? I thought that Harry was…well…very poor," Emma said, feeling a bit ashamed of herself. "I'm not really sure I should…" Hermione trailed off in thought. "Will you promise not to do anything about it if I tell you?" "Unless it puts someone in danger, I won't do anything," she stipulated. Hermione stared at her for a moment, as if trying to tell if she was trustworthy or not. "Harry's guardians are the Dursleys," she said, as if that explained how Harry sent her a small field of flowers. "Dursleys?" Emma paused to think. "You mean those horrible fake-nice people?" "Yes. But Harry—" "But they aren't poor at all. They seemed like they had quite a bit of money. In fact, they were bragging about it! In church! I know that a lot of people seem to miss the point of going to church these days, but those people were just there to look important to the neighborhood. And they have Harry walking around in rags?" Hermione frowned at that. "I'm sorry Hermione, but what else would you call them?" "Anyway, he ran away," Hermione said quietly, feeling like she just betrayed her only friend's secret. "He ran away?" Emma sat down on Hermione's bed and ...
    ... sighed. "Well, they certainlydon't seem to mind. How does Harry feel about that?" "Like it's the best thing that's happened to him, and I think he's right." "Where does he stay now?" Hermione again thought of what story she should give her mother, and decided on 'true but vague.' "With some friends. He gets everything he needs, and the…owner of the place treats him like a son, he says." Emma smiled for the first time in that conversation. "Well, that's good. Tell him if he ever needs to stay here, he's always welcome." "Thanks Mum." Hermione hugged her mother in relief and happiness, realizing for the first time how lucky she was. "You're welcome, dear. Now, that still doesn't explain how Harry got all these flowers and somehow got them into your room in the middle of the night," she demanded, not letting Hermione distract her again. "Well, he has a sort of a garden there. I don't know how he grew so many so fast," Hermione said truthfully. "Or how he got them into my room…I'll have to have a talk with him about that," she said, embarrassed and a bit angry. Emma couldn't sense any lies from her this time, even though it was much more suspicious. "Alright, then. Make sure you thank him." "Yes, Mum," she droned in response. "And happy birthday, dear." x x x Hermione spent most of her birthday with her family, but as soon as Hermione went to the tree that night, she tackled Harry with a hug. "I can't believe you gave me a present! That's the first time anyone's ever done that that ...