1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... tree. I think I have enough of an emotional connection and history with it." He sat down and closed his eyes as he continued to pet the cat. As he tried to push his worry into the tree, he felt a gentle response. "I've got it! Wow, that was pretty easy. The tree feels incredible. Old, and wise, like it knows everything but just doesn't care." Harry suddenly saw himself as he saw an ant: small, insignificant, and one of a group so numerous that nothing he could do could possibly change the world. The tree could feel him right back, and sent Harry an impression that everything was alright, that the weird growth was something fantastic. Harry felt the tree's feelings about him and was overwhelmed. The tree saw him like a son, with the tree as his mother. Harry felt something that he had only seen at Hermione's house, something that he had only heard about, something that he was too young to remember having before. It was something that he once thought Dudley had so much of, but he now realized that Dudley had nothing but broken junk and an attitude that would have him dead or in jail before he was thirty. What Harry felt was love. It was beautiful, and Harry started to cry in happiness. Hermione heard a sniffle and looked up. Harry was sitting on the floor with his eyes closed, petting a cat, crying, and smiling as if he had won the lottery. "Harry, are you okay?" she asked, rushing up to him to see if he was hurt. Harry looked at her and felt the same love, to a lesser ...
    ... extent, mixed with worry for Harry and the fear of rejection that she always seemed to carry. "I've never felt better, Hermione," Harry said, smiling at her. Chapter Five: Parentbirth On September 19th, Hermione woke up to a room filled with flowers of all kinds and colors. Every inch of her room was at least one flower deep and if she looked close enough, she could see some new ones growing. "Happy birthday, Herm—" Hermione's mother came into her room and was immediately speechless at the sight of the room. "Oh my God! Hermione, what is this?" "It looks like flowers, Mum." "Thanks. Where did they come from?" She continued to look around in wonder. "I'm not sure, but…" She trailed off. "But?" Emma encouraged. "Well, I think Harry might have sent them to me," she said uncertainly, and looked around. "Here, there's a card." Hermione picked up a card that was stuck to the top of a huge candy bar, and opened it. "Well?" Emma asked. "Yep. From Harry." "What's the card say?" "It says, 'Have some 100% genuine, sugar-filled chocolate. Happy Birthday from Harry.'" "Okay, but did he send you the flowers, too?" "I don't know who else would have." "But how could he afford all of this? It must have cost a fortune!" "Well…" Hermione was unsure if she should continue. "I think he grows them." "His family has this big of a garden?" Emma wasn't sure what to think. Harry obviously didn't buy them. He was always dressed in rags and didn't seem to have a TV in his house. Emma had assumed that he came ...