1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... looked up with fear at Harry, he cringed. The cat only had one eye; the other was covered with an angry red slash that must have been caused by another cat. "Ouch. That looks bad, but it should be pretty simple to heal. Just need to calm this cat down a bit." Harry reached out to pet it, and it shrank from back from him. Harry cast a light spell to distract the cat while he healed its eye. The cat looked up at him and calmed down. Harry frowned. He could still feel bad feelings coming from the cat. "But the eye is healed. What's wrong with it now?" "Do not use logic. Just use your feelings, Harry Potter." Nathair was tangled on the side of the wall, watching them. "Feelings. Right." As Harry pet the cat, he cleared his mind and just let it come naturally. "The injury was a symptom, not the problem itself. This cat gets in many fights because there is no safe place for it." Harry picked up the cat gently and started to pet it. "Good, Harry Potter. You're beginning to develop an aptitude for this. Continue practicing this and you will have a skill that no human has had for a long time, as far as I know. I believe this is because you have a caring for all things that not many do. But don't forget what started this in the first place." Harry gave him a blank look, and Nathair sighed. "Your human's birthday." "Oh. Right," Harry hissed, feeling guilty for forgetting about Hermione while he was learning a new bit of magic. "I'll take care of it." Meanwhile, Hermione was watching ...
    ... him as he healed and began to play with the cat. "Don't worry, you can live here for as long as you like," he said to the cat as he conjured a bit of fish and fed it to him. She suddenly felt bad about being snippy with him today. He didn't know it was almost her birthday. She didn't tell him for the same reason she never told anyone else—she was sure that one day she would see him with a group of people, laughing at her when they didn't think she could hear them. Harry would never do anything to hurt her on purpose (at least, now that she was in control of her magic). He was a completely selfless person, and would help anything that was alive. As Harry played with the softly mewing cat, she noticed something. "Harry, what's that?" she asked. "Huh?" "It looks like there's something growing out of the tree. What do you think it is?" Harry looked and saw the small growth coming out of the least-used part of the tree floor. "Oh, that. I don't know, but it must be something very complex or important, because it's been growing since I started teaching you magic, and it's hardly gotten bigger. I'm actually kind of worried about it. What if it's some kind of tree disease? We'll just have to keep an eye on it," Harry said. "He's even concerned about the tree. As a...creature, not because it's his house. I should never have doubted him," Hermione thought, and went back to her spell-making. Harry, however, would not rest so easily. "What could that be? I'm going to try and talk to the ...