1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... personal bad-things-happening day, and Christmas, but I'm not with the Dursleys so I won't have to get up and cook. There's my birthday, but that's been completely ignored until this y—Of course! Her birthday must be coming up! Nathair said it was something I've gone through, too! That would explain some of the emotions, and she must not have had any friends to celebrate with, so that's what the negative feelings are." "It's her birthday," he whisper-hissed to Nathair, looking up and around to find him. He wasn't there. "Nathair?" he hissed a bit louder. "Yesss?" Nathair popped his head out of Harry's shirt, and Harry actually screamed. "DON'T DO THAT! Just DON'T!" Harry rubbed his forehead where his scar was, trying to calm down. Hermione looked up at Harry's scream, figured out what was going on, and rolled her eyes again. "So. Her birthday's coming up, isn't it?" Harry asked. "Good. For a while I wondered why I even bothered setting you on the right path, but here we are," Nathair joked. Harry rolled his eyes, knowing since they met that Nathair was compelled to insult him at every possible moment. "You didn't feel that information, though. You logically found the most likely possibility, using the fact that it is something you experienced yourself, yes?" Harry nodded. "You will need to feel what others need without thinking. This is the largest difference between humans and the rest of existence. You are capable of amazing things, but you cannot see what is in front of ...
    ... you. At one point, you did it subconsciously, as all humans do at some point, even the ones without magic. You, however, did it at a relatively late age." "What? When did I do that?" Harry could not remember what he was talking about. "When you would feed the animals in the tree. Now you have fruit growing that they may eat, but before, you knew that there were hungry things that did not want to starve. So you fed them. That is why they like you so much. Now, I want you to go around to individual creatures. Some of them have needs, and I want you to figure out what they are by speaking with their hearts. Try not to use any logic. You will know when you have helped enough of them. Enough to learn, at least." Harry looked around for something that he thought needed help. "No. You're using logic already. Just find something you know needs help," Harry thought to himself. "I just sort of need to...reach out." Harry looked around and saw a cat laying in the corner, which was unusual. Typically, the largest animals in the tree were mice, and they didn't like to hang around because of the risk of being eaten by Harry's friends. It was not unheard of, though. Once, in fact, there was a large black dog that stayed for a few hours, then left somehow, like a ghost. Harry had no idea how the animals came and went, except for the ones that belonged in trees, but it happened from time to time. Nathair and Hermione separately watched Harry approach the cat, and Harry looked at it. As the cat ...