1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... when she touched him, she left them to their movie and walked away, deep in thought. Chapter 4: The Way Harry and Hermione were sitting in the tree two weeks after the day they watched Star Wars. As Hermione practiced her magic, which was rapidly improving beyond Harry's expectations, Harry was thinking of ideas that he had gotten from watching Hermione's movies. After Star Wars, he admitted that watching videos was just as good of a source of inspiration, if not better, as the books were. As Hermione turned to Harry to ask him a question, Harry met her eyes and felt a wave of emotion come over him—depression, anticipation, a bit of happiness, and a strange sort of emptiness ran into him like a truck. He stood, staring at her, until he realized she was waiting for an answer to something. "What?" Harry asked, shakily. "I said, do you think it would be easier to make a jump go higher by using magic to push off the ground, or to lighten you so that you stay in the air longer?" Hermione practically yelled at him. Something was wrong with her, and it would start to affect her magic if it kept up. "Well...that depends on the situation. Learn them both just in case. Pushing off the ground would look more natural," Harry calmly replied. He looked at her. "Are you okay?" Hermione looked away. "I'm fine." "Did you cast a spell on me?" She looked back at him. "What? No. Never after that very first time. Why?" "No reason, I guess." Hermione rolled her eyes, huffed, and went back to ...
    ... planning her spells. "This is karma, Harry Potter," Nathair hissed directly into his ear as he slithered to Harry's level, hanging from the ceiling. "I have told you before NOT TO DO THAT!" Harry hissed back, annoyed. Hermione was used to their friendly scuffles by now, and simply ignored them. "Now what are you talking about?" "The way that can be shown is not the way. Telling you would defeat the purpose, and you would not learn how to read nature. You received a message; you're halfway there. Now you simply need to understand it," Nathair said "You mean that weird feeling was a message?" Harry went into thought, but Nathair had one more bit of wisdom. "You know this feeling as well. Use your memory, Harry Potter." With that, he disappeared back into the ceiling. Harry began to think of something that he had in common with Hermione that would give us those emotions. "Okay, let's see. I'll start with the most specific: emptiness. Well, that describes most of my life. I never got anything until I became a sorcerer. She has her family, who obviously love her, and they don't seem like they need money for something. They're both dentists, after all. Maybe their licenses are expiring soon. That would explain the anticipation. "But that seemed more like a good anticipation. We don't have anything coming up in school; I know she likes tests but panics every time. But that doesn't happen to me. In fact, time doesn't really have much of an impact on my life at all. Just Halloween, my ...