1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... carried himself with confidence, as if nothing would be a problem for him. And Emma, like all good mothers, knew a lie when she saw it. Today, she saw two. The obvious, fumbling, obviously-not-planned one came from her daughter, who had never before lied, as far as she knew (and it showed), and the smooth, polished one that was completely logical, and probably just as completely true. But Hermione said something about research. What could that be about? This merited further observation. "Well, why don't I go and fix up some food for you two while you watch your movies?" She started to leave the room, but was stopped by Harry. "That's okay, Mrs. Granger. I brought some things." She looked where he was pointing and saw a small feast of junk food. She hadn't seen that a second ago. "Oh. I didn't see. Well, if you need anything, just ask," she said as she started to walk away. "Harry, why did you do that?" Hermione whispered. "It's not that much of a burden for her; she was only trying to be useful." "Sorry, Hermione," Harry started. "I'm still not really used to thinking about other people's feelings. But I conjured this because it will be healthier." "Healthier! Are you mad? This is the worst sort of food you could possibly eat! Anything Mum would have given you would certainly have been healthier than this! It's almost a part of her job, you know." "Well, that would be the case normally, yes," Harry admitted, smiling. "Well then, what's so different about this case?" she ...
    ... demanded. "The difference is nothing about me is normal." He grinned at his statement. "It's conjured food. It's transmuted from something, usually air, into a special recipe of mine that is basically perfect food—it's the ideal amount of vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and proteins to keep the body as healthy as possible. Then it's transmuted again to taste like the real thing does, and transfigured to look like it. The packaging is for appearance's sake." Hermione was in shock. "You mean I've only been eating a little bit of your food, but it's the healthiest thing you can eat? Why didn't you tell me?" "Sorry, I forgot again. And you still need to eat meat and fruit occasionally. For some reason, those are the only things that I haven't been able to completely replicate. It's mostly good, though." "Wow, Harry. And you figured out the perfect balance thing just from reading about it? That's impressive." "Actually there's a poster in the school cafeteria that says what you should eat." "Oh. Well, still..." "Anyway, I conjured so much so that you can keep the leftovers," Harry offered. "Thanks, Harry!" Hermione dove into Harry's chest and hugged him, not noticing as Harry tensed up. "You think I'll be able to do it on my own someday?" "Er—yes—probably, I think," he stammered. Emma had been watching them whisper with interest, when Hermione suddenly shot forward and brought him into a hug. This too merited further observation. After she made a mental note about the way he stiffened ...