1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Figg's, who babysat him sometimes when he was still at the Dursleys'. Her house was filled with cats and smelled of cabbage, so Harry didn't particularly feel like he would want to live there. But the Grangers' house was inviting. There were stacks of papers covering parts of every table, and by the door was a pile of shoes, tossed haphazardly upon each other. Harry loved it. It looked like there were actual living people in there, and they connected with their house in the same kind of way Harry connected to his tree, only less magical. "Here we are!" Hermione put a tape into the machine. "This is that tape thing?" Harry asked, still suspicious of a movie in a plastic box. "Yes, now stop talking and watch," Hermione responded playfully. They sat back and read the text that scrolled down the screen. "Wait, why aren't you starting with the first one? And there's four of them?" Harry asked incredulously. "No, there's only three. And it starts on episode four." "But—but that doesn't make sense." Harry argued. "Well, the director wanted to make the first three when they have the technology to make the special effects they need for those movies. But that's going to be years from now, and everyone's waiting for them. Now hush and watch the movie." The two children then had an ordinary time watching popular movies and talking about the powers they wish they had. Of course, what wasn't ordinary was the fact that they could probably use those powers if they tried. "Hermione, are ...
    ... you watching that movie again?"a voice asked from the other room. "Yes, we're watching it again, but this time it's for research," Hermione defended. "We?" her father asked as he came into the room, his wife trailing him. He vaguely looked like Hermione, but the woman could have been her older sister. They were obviously Hermione's parents. "Research?" her mother asked dubiously. "Yes, we were talking about—er—about..." Hermione trailed off in thought. "Don't worry, Mrs. Granger. She just doesn't want to embarrass me. I've never watched TV, you see. Harry Potter." Harry put out his hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Harry. You can call me Emma," Hermione's mother said, shaking his hand. "And I'm her, father, Dan." He took Harry's hand as well. "Well, it's nice to see that your new friend has some manners, Hermione," Emma said to her, then turned to Harry. "And you say you've never watched TV before? It may be mostly useless, but all children have to watch TV. It's the law." They all laughed, but Emma made sure to ask Hermione later why Harry had never watched TV before. There was something odd about this boy. He was at the age where boys liked to watch cartoons all day, play with worms, and run around without a care for the house he was in. Harry seemed to be the opposite of that. You could tell by looking at him. He was very still, only moving when necessary. His clothes looked like they were picked out of a garbage dump, and they were definitely not the right size. But he ...