1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the force, Harry!" Hermione said excitedly. "Which force?" Harry was confused. "You mean you've never seen Star Wars?" Hermione asked incredulously. "No. Does that have something to do with astrology?" Harry had never watched TV or seen a movie. With the Dursleys, he wasn't allowed, and in his tree he had never considered it. Harry thought of TV as a waste of time, either news (which he had no interest in) or Things Dudley Liked (which Harry assumed had nothing to do with magic, and had no purpose except to occupy Dudley's time). The one time Harry had caught a glimpse as he was moving through the room to answer the phone (which the Dursleys did not want him to do, but would still punish him for not doing), it was a blaring, incoherent narrative about talking fruit that fought crime. Harry was surprised Dudley was allowed to watch it, since fruit most certainly did not talk. Then again, it was Dudley. "No, silly. It's a movie," Hermione answered. "An orphan leaves the farm he lived at so that he can fight the evil empire using something called the force, which is kind of like magic but...well, it's different. The people that use it are called Jedi Knights, and they fight with a sword made out of light." Hermione obviously liked this movie. "You saw this at a theater?" Harry asked, now interested. "No, we have a tape of it at home." "What does tape have to do with anything?" He was now massively confused. "Are you saying that you've never watched TV or seen a movie before? ...
    ... Don't the Dursleys always have the latest technology? They seem like the type that has to outdo everyone they can afford to and then some." "Yes, they have it. I think. But that is like the opposite of me having it." The conversation lapsed into an awkward silence for a moment, and then Hermione began her explanation. "The video is stored on a plastic thing called a VHS tape, and you put it into the VCR, which goes into the TV. It's that simple." Harry sighed and ran his hand through his hair at her explanation. "D'you think we could—well, perhaps we should—I mean—what I'm trying to say is—" Harry stuttered. "Would you like to come and watch it, Harry?" Hermione smiled warmly to show that he would be welcomed in her house. "Well, yes. That would be nice." x x x They used Hermione's necklace to go to her backyard, and walked in through the back. Harry felt weird. He was not welcomed in his own house, and here he was in someone else's. "Mum? Dad?" Hermione called, and got no response. "They must not be home yet." "What do they do?" Harry asked. "They're dentists," Hermione replied absently as she led them over to her TV and looked for the tapes. Harry sat down on her couch timidly. "Is this what a house is supposed to be like? It looks... it looks like a place where people would like to live," Harry thought. The Dursleys' house felt cold and sterile, probably in part due to Harry being forced to clean the entire house repeatedly. The only other house he had been in was Mrs. ...