1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... experience that caused him to give her that warning. "Your first task is to remember what your magic feels like until it becomes instinctual. Practice making light come out of your hand," Harry commanded. "It helps to close your eyes and visualize what you want. Also, say what you want to happen repeatedly until it works." With that, Harry waited for her to get started and picked up a book he copied from the library. Instead of checking the books out, he would read a bit of a book to see if it would be useful. If it was, he cloned the book and took the copy home to keep. It also gave him the chance to use the cupboard under the stairs in one of the ways it was originally intended. Hermione spent a few hours practicing until she could make a light with little effort, but she was still not up to the instinctual level that Harry wanted her to have. "Okay, that's enough for today," Harry said as he placed his bookmark. "Any more and you'll start to get tired." "I think I'm getting the hang of it, Harry. What are we going to do tomorrow?" Hermione asked, hoping that he would show her how to make portals. She got the feeling that was very advanced, though. "Your homework tonight is to think of stories you know with something like magic in it, and we'll make some spells out of that. Tomorrow I want you to practice your light again to warm up, and then I'll help you out with making your first spells." Hermione immediately went into thinking mode. "Try to keep it relatively simple, ...
    ... though," Harry added as he saw her look. "I'll try my best," she said as she blushed. Harry had only known her for a day and already had her personality down. If he didn't say that, she probably would have come up with some impossible task that not even Harry could do. "Hey, before I go home, can you teach me a way to come and go from here on my own?" "I actually planned on doing that since this afternoon. Give me your necklace and choose an activation word for it. When you say that, it will take you here, and if you are already here, it will take you home." "Harry," she replied as she took off her necklace and handed it to him. "What?" he asked after a short pause. "Make the word 'Harry,'" she explained. "No," Harry said, shaking his head. "That's too common. It has to be something you would never say, like 'kumquats in Japan.' Otherwise every time you say my name, you'll end up here. Or you'll leave when you talk to me." "Kumquats in Japan it is," Hermione said, laughing a bit. "Okay, then." Harry closed his eyes, waved his hand over the necklace, and gave it back to her. "All done. Say it and you'll be in your back yard." "Bye, Harry," she said as she put her necklace on. "Kumquats in Japan!" "Oh! I forgot to warn her. Oh, well. I guess she'll figure it out on her own," Harry muttered. Meanwhile, Hermione was lying face-down in the pile of dirt she fell on. "Stupid Harry." x x x The next day, Hermione gave Harry's world another important, albeit minor change. "I want to do ...