1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... it's to annoy us." They both sighed. "You're probably right," Hermione said. "I thought that there was something odd about those people." "What? You know him?" "The Sunday after the week we moved in, his entire family came and welcomed us to the neighborhood when we were all at church. They were way too nice, and kept bragging about the things they had. Dudley kept complimenting my mum on her dress. It was...creepy. And it seemed like they were only there so they could say they go to church." "And I suppose they just forgot to say anything about the freeloading orphan with no future that lived in...their house," Harry joked, not wanting to mention his cupboard in front of her. "It must have slipped their minds." They both laughed. "You actually live with those people?" "Of course not! No proper citizen would live in a tree!" Harry joked. x x x "I have to be home by dark tonight. My mum was pretty upset with me last night," Hermione said as they sat down on the chairs in Harry's tree. "Sorry. I'm used to being on my own. Time doesn't really have an influence on my life, except for school. I eat when I'm hungry, sleep when I'm tired, and get up when I'm rested. Well, except on school days." Harry conjured some food for them to eat while Harry mentally prepared for what he was sure would turn out to be a long lecture on magic. "Right. To start things off, let me tell you a few things. First, magic is entirely based on your imagination and your belief that what you want to ...
    ... happen is possible. You have a better start than me since you've seen some impossible things. When I started, I just thought it might have been a possibility. It was really an act of desperation for me. "I got most of my ideas from books—fiction, folk tales, and religion." Hermione's face lit up more than it already was at the thought of books. "Now you have to be careful, because usually stories put some kind of limitation on magic. For example, in many systems of belief, certain things will only work during certain phases of the moon, or if you have eaten a certain type of food lately. Now, if you try to do that spell, knowing it is the wrong phase or that you have eaten something, you will believe that to be an essential part of the spell, and it will not work for you. Or, if they say a spell is 'forbidden' and will permanently damage you, if you believe it will, it will." "A psychosomatic effect." Hermione nodded in understanding. "If that's what you call it. In any case, what you truly believe will happen is what you get. Now, I've never performed any kind of ceremony or forbidden spell, since I'm basically making it up as I go along. But if there were things like that, the actual effects might happen. So what I'm saying is, only ask for what you want to happen, and think things through before you do it. And under no circumstances are you to try laser eyes. It does not work like you think it will." Hermione winced, and Harry rubbed his eyes, obviously remembering the ...