1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... looked around, waved his hand twice, and his antlers popped back onto his head. "There. Now make them go away." "But what if someone sees?" She looked around furiously, trying to catch the hypothetical person. "They won't. I cast a spell so that people will conveniently ignore us," Harry replied calmly. "Okay, then." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a few seconds she asked, "Did it work?" "Not yet. It helped for me to say out loud what I wanted until it happened, why don't you try that?" he suggested. "I want Harry's antlers to go away, I want Harry's antlers to go away," she chanted, and opened her eyes. Harry, now antler-free, was smiling at her as he took down his hiding spell. "Good work. When I was starting out, I usually needed to say things three times." Hermione smiled and blushed lightly. "Well, I'm sure it wasn't that big of a—" "Hey, Potter! Is this your girlfriend?" Dudley, with two airheaded hulks behind him, came to torture Harry. "No. Are those yours?" Harry gestured to his followers. "What?" Dudley was not used to a Harry that did anything but get punched, so he was shocked when Harry not only deflected his barb, but insulted him in the process. "Shut up, Potter. Mum and Dad want to know where you've been. They thought someone had kidnapped you until I told them you were here yesterday. I've been doing your chores for the past six months, you know!" Harry sighed. His cousin was such a spoiled whiner. "Well, I've been doing yours for years ...
    ... now, so why don't we call it even? And it doesn't matter where I've been, just that I'm certainly not going back. Especially not just because you've been doing a bit of work. What have they had you doing? Testing the light bulbs? I'm sure that's a lot of work for you, even though it's nowhere near what they made me do every day." "Light bulbs? What are you on about? They made me put the dishes in the sink after I eat. Do you know how much work that is?" Harry put his face into his palms. "Yes, Dudley. I know exactly how much work that is. Is there anything else?" "Well—you er—that is...Come back and do your work, Potter! That's all you're good for, anyway." Dudley folded his arms and smiled, as if he thought he won. "No," Harry said simply, and Dudley's smug expression vanished. "What are you smiling about, rabbit-teeth? Did someone give you a new book?" Dudley, obviously losing with Harry, moved on to the easier target, and saw her smile vanish as she looked down at the table to avoid Dudley's attention. "Actually, she's smiling because she knows that in a few seconds, she'll be free of idiots," Harry said seriously. "What are you talking about, Potter?" Dudley asked rhetorically. Harry stared blankly at him for several seconds. "Whatever. Let's get out of here," Dudley said to his goons, and they left. "And that's why I live in a tree," Harry said, and Hermione giggled. "I should have just kept the anti-attention spell up. I don't think anyone really wants to talk to us unless ...