1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... again, and you know he will as soon as you'll let him get a word in." Hermione was forced out of her thoughts when she saw movement in her desk. Remembering the time at her last school, where someone put one of the lab rats in her desk as a joke, she looked down in horror. "Great, she doesn't trust me at all now. She probably thinks I'm sending her a rat or a spider." He heard Hermione give a small "Eeep!" and looked over at her. She was looking at the flower and blushing. She turned slightly and gave him a small smile. Harry knew then that everything would be alright between them. He decided to send her a note. Friends? he wrote and sent to her. She fumbled with a pen and wrote back, Friends. He smiled. Harry decided to show her just how strong her magic was. He waited for her to glance over again and caught her eye. He held the pen in his hand and tapped it against his antlers until Hermione understood what he was showing her. She stared at him for a second, wondering why he was moving his pen like that. Suddenly, she realized that he still had his antlers, they were just invisible. She couldn't help it. She was about to giggle like an idiot. She raised her hand so quickly that Mrs. Hughes must have thought Hermione was going to attack her. "What is it, Miss Granger? Unless you have a question that pertains to the matter at—" "Can I—brghh—Can I use the loo?" Hermione covered her mouth with her hand to stop the laughter that was bubbling up. She was slowly turning red from ...
    ... holding it in. "Well, go on then, Granger, I don't need my classroom smelling of vomit," Mrs. Hughes said desperately, misinterpreting her behavior completely. Hermione fled the room, trying to hold in her snickering as if it actually were vomit. Harry's time at the Dursleys' allowed him to hold in his laughter much more successfully than she did. x x x "Hey," Harry said as Hermione stood next to the seat across from him at lunch. "Wanna sit here?" "Thanks," Hermione said. They both looked at each other in an awkward silence. "I'm sorry about—" they both started at the same time. "Go ahead," Harry offered. "Sorry I overreacted." Hermione blushed and hung her head. "Don't be. That was the point, right?" They looked away from each other and went back into silence. "Why didn't you take the antlers off?" Hermione asked. "Well, I tried, but I couldn't. You got me pretty good," he replied honestly. "You mean you're stuck like that?" Hermione was stunned, and suddenly felt bad about what she thought was a funny problem. "Well, I'm in a situation I've never been in before. Either you can't reverse someone's spell, or you are more powerful than me. In either case, you're the one who has to get rid of them." "What!" She began to panic. "I can't do that, I've only done magic by accident! How am I supposed to fix that?" "Just remember the feeling from last night and think of that while you wish for them to go away. Think of what I look like without them and they will go away. Hold on." He ...