1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Seconds later, she heard her scream, "I'm a witch!" followed by maniacal laughter. Something was...up... with her daughter. x x x The next day, Harry got up and went through the cupboard portal to get ready for school. He looked into his mirror, the only object in his tree not made of wood, for his daily attempt to tame his hair, only to get a big surprise. He had two antlers sticking out of his head. He completely forgot about what Hermione's spell did. He tried to remove them, and received a second shock for the day—Hermione's spell was so strong that he couldn't remove it. "She must have been really upset." Harry sighed. He liked Hermione; he really hoped they could make up. He didn't think he could get away with an antlered day at school, so he cast an invisibility spell on them. After picking his favorite orchid for her and putting it carefully into his pocket, he teleported to the old boy's bathroom at the school. This bathroom had fallen into disrepair years ago and was off-limits to students, so Harry could appear there without fear of being seen as long as there wasn't a faculty member there for some reason. He made his way to his classroom and sat in the same spot as he did yesterday. Hermione's seat was empty and there were only a couple minutes left before school started for the day. Harry was worried. He was sure that she wouldn't pretend to be sick just to skip school and avoid him, would she? In fact, he didn't think she would skip school if she had smallpox. ...
    ... What if she was in the office, trying to get them to switch her to another class? That would never work, though. Every year Harry was put in the same class as Dudley, and every year, he went there on the first day to ask them to put him in a different class, only to be denied. It was as if they did it on purpose. The door opened and Hermione walked in, barely a moment before the bell rang. Mrs. Hughes glared at her but said nothing as she sat in the same spot as yesterday, next to Harry. Harry looked to the side at her and caught her looking at him. They both looked away quickly, and each went to their own thoughts as Mrs. Hughes started on the class's review from the previous term. Harry and Hermione each tuned her out in favor of their own thoughts. Neither of them needed a review. "Oh, she hates me. She absolutely hates me. Wouldn't even look at me. Well, if I ever want to be her friend, I better get to work." Harry slowly pulled the orchid he picked earlier from his pocket, and put it on the shelf under the surface of his desk. He opened a flower-sized portal and watched out of the corner of his eye as he pushed it through and into Hermione's desk. "Of course he's embarrassed, Hermione, you idiot, he probably thinks you hate him. He was apologizing over and over, and what did you say? I hate you, take me home. And he did just that! He was a gentleman about it! Any other eight-year-old would have stuck his tongue out at you. You should just forgive him the second he says it ...