1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Lane and Magnolia Crescent," she replied as she brushed away another tear. It was about seven blocks away from privet drive, and three from the park. "Okay. I'll open a portal." He drew a portal on the wall and opened it up. "This will take us to the corner of the street." As they went through the portal, Harry tried to reason with her again. "Please forgive me eventually, Hermione. I had fun tonight, until...well..." He trailed off, the final words unnecessary. Hermione had fun too, but she wasn't about to tell him that. Harry stood there a second longer until he closed the portal and began to walk towards the Dursleys' house. "Where are you going?" she asked timidly. She was still angry at him, but she didn't want him doing something stupid. "To my relatives' house," he replied simply as he stopped walking. "Oh." She looked at him a moment longer and walked towards her own house. Harry watched her leave, and went to Privet Drive and into his cupboard. He lay down on the hard mattress with its scratchy sheets. For the first time in years, he felt he deserved to be there. x x x "Hermione Jane Granger, where have you been? Do you have any idea how late it is!" "Sorry Mum. Time kind of got away from me. I was with..." Hermione trailed off. Was Harry a friend? He really did seem sorry. And what he said did not go along with the rest of the day. If he was trying to prank her, wouldn't making her sit in the park alone as he watched from his awesome tree and laughed be enough? No. ...
    ... He explained things to her and gave her food and drinks. He seemed very happy to have the company. Also, his insults were pretty standard for her. The only reason they hurt so much was because she thought she found a true friend, someone that could bring her life together, someone who just...understood her. When she thought about it, it seemed like Harry picked the insults that she most likely was used to. "...I was with a friend," Hermione decided. If Harry tried to make it up to her tomorrow, then she would eventually forgive him. He did get her to use magic, after all. And, she thought with satisfaction, he was so busy apologizing that he didn't notice what happened to him. As she thought about it, she felt happiness and satisfaction. Except for her fight with Harry, she really did have a wonderful time. And her spell, while completely random and unintentional, got him pretty good. She ran upstairs, laughing, and completely forgetting about her boiling mother. Emma was getting worried about her daughter. She came in past dark, from who knows where, and had obviously been crying. She watched as Hermione's face showed anger, sadness, thought, determination, and finally satisfied happiness. She talked about having a friend, which relieved Emma to no end. She didn't think she had ever had many good friends at all, both because of her personality, and because people tended to either use or resent smart people. Then Hermione ran upstairs cackling, ignoring her mother completely. ...